cf lab 16 express basic authorization

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas

Build Tool Instructions

  • create a package.json that lists all dependencies and developer dependencies
  • include an .eslintrc
  • use a .env file but do not include it
  • include a .gitignore
  • add the string db to your gitignore
  • add the string .env to your gitignore
  • include a readme with a project description and route docs


  • Create these directories to organize your code:
  • db - use the command mongod --dbpath ./db to start mongod using this directory
  • lib
  • model
  • route
  • test
  • Create a HTTP Server using express
  • Use the http-errors npm module with the newerror-response middleware from lecture
  • Create a User Model using mongoose with the properties username, password, and findHash
  • The user must have a unique username and findhash
  • the user must have an email
  • The user must never store the password as plain text (hash the password)
  • The user must have a method for generating a token from the findHash
  • Create a Basic Auth Middleware for parsing basic auth headers
  • use the body-parser express middleware to on POST and PUT routes
  • use the npm debug module to log the functions being executed in your app
  • using the express Router create an auth router with routes for signup and signin
  • Your server should depend on the environment variables
  • DEBUG - for turning on logging
  • APP_SECRET - for signing and verify tokens
  • PORT - for setting the port your server will listen on
  • MONGODB_URI - for setting the URI that mongoose will connect to

Server Endpoints


  • POST request
  • the client should pass the username and password in the body of the request
  • the server should respond with a token generated using jsonwebtoken and the users findHash
  • the server should respond with a 400 Bad Request to failed request


  • GET request
  • the client should pass the username and password to the server using a Basic auth header
  • the server should respond with a token to authenticated users
  • the server should respond with a 401 Unauthorized to non authenticated users


  • your tests should start your server when they begin and stop your server when they finish
  • write a test to ensure that your api returns a status code of 404 for routes that have not been registered
  • /api/signup
  • POST - test 400, responds with the http-errors 401 name, for if no body provided or invalid body
  • POST - test 200, response body like <token> for a post request with a valid body
  • /api/signin
  • GET - test 401, responds with the http-errors 401 name, if the users could not be authenticated
  • GET - test 200, response body like <token> for a request with a valid basic auth header