
MATLAB toolbox to process LISST (Sequoia Scientific, Inc.)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Welcome to the LISST_toolbox!

This toolbox was created to read, process, plot, and write data from profiling LISST (Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry) instruments manufactured by Sequoia Scientific, Inc.

Currently, the toolbox has only been used to process LISST-Deep Type B and Type C instruments.


See Setup wiki page for details on how to organize your data and configuration scripts to utilize this toolbox.


Table of Contents

Before running this toolbox, you must organize your data as described in LISST_processing_config.m and configure your project in a script [project]_config.m, where "project" is the unique name of your project. See the setup wiki page for more details.


wrapper script that calls all subsequent scripts


See Setup wiki for information on how to set up this configuration script.

  • Defines metadata used in file header (SeaBASS), instrument specifications, ctd type, and available background files.


  • Builds paths to LISST data and instrument files based on expected folder hierarchy
  • Reads/defines instrument information important for data processing and metadata storage
  • Aside from path_length, and inversion model used to process data, variables are read from instrument files lisst.ini and InstrumentData.txt using paths built in the beginning part of this script
  • Defines data processing model (spherical or random shaped particles), and grid settings
  • Defines QC flags
  • Defines automatic QC tests.


  • Defines structures "meta_raw" and "data_raw"
  • Converts raw data (*.DAT) files in cfg.path.dir_raw using Sequoia's tt2mat.m script


  • Writes raw data in ascii format.


  • Defines structures "meta_pre" and "data_pre"
  • Calculates date (matlab's datenum format)
  • Calculates temperature and depth based on lisst.ini file contents
  • read_ctd_data_by_type.m | Reads in CTD data (subsequent steps much easier if this is upcast and downcast data with true timestamp!)
  • LISST_match_ctd_cast.m | Matches LISST profile to CTD cast #
  • LISST_correct_time_depth_lag.m | Corrects LISST depth and time based on CTD data
  • LISST_identify_downcast.m | Identifies limits of downcast (decending) in LISST profile
  • Saves data to cfg.path.file_pre


  • Defines structures "meta_proc" and "data_proc"
  • Limits data to downcasts only
  • LISST_select_background_scatterfiles.m | Select which background files to use for processing
  • getscat_v2.m | Sequoia's function to process raw data to get scattering and transmission
  • invert.p | Sequoia's function that inverts raw data to get uncalibrated volume distribution and midpoint of size bins in microns.
  • Calculates other parameters such as volume distribution, particle size distribution, mean particle size, forward scatter coefficient, beam attenuation, etc.


  • Performs automated quality control on processed LISST data
  • Performs qc tests described in manual and defined in LISST_processing_config.m


  • Defines structures "meta_grid" and "data_grid"
  • Grids data (downcasts only) to depth bins defined by cfg.grid_options.bin_depth_m


This is not ready yet but will be done in the future!


  • Copies raw files (.dat) and background scatterfiles (.asc) to submit directory
  • writes QC'ed data full resolution and gridded data to formatted files based on cfg.write_format


If you use this toolbox, please cite as follows: Brita Irving, LISST_toolbox, (2021), GitHub repository, https://github.com/britairving/LISST_toolbox/

References & Resources