Using Docker without Docker Desktop on MacOS

For me using Multipass seemed to be the easiest way to eliminate docker desktop as a mac user. Multipass will enable you to create a small virtual machine (like docker desktop) that you’ll use the docker cli/tools to connect to and issue docker commands.

Any containers mapped to public ports will be accessible to http://docker.local:XXXXX (not localhost);

Install Multipass, docker cli and docker-compose

brew install multipass docker docker-compose

IMPORTANT Update docker.yml with the contents of your (from your .ssh folder) file before continuing, this will ensure you can connect when using the docker cli and you can open a shell to the virtual machine that gets created.

The default virtualization backend is hyperkit, to change the default, use one of the following commands:

#sudo multipass set local.driver=hyperkit
#sudo multipass set local.driver=virtualbox
#sudo multipass set local.driver=qemu

To initialise the vm with docker installed, run the following. The options are explained below.

multipass launch -c 12 -m 6G -d 60G -n docker 20.04 --cloud-init docker.yml


Parameters mean the following:
-c 	= core count
-d 	= disk count 
-m 	= memory 
20.04 = version of ubuntu server to use

A new local vm will be provisioned and take a few minutes to start. You can whether the machine is up by running the following:

multipass list

IMPORTANT : SSH into the provisioned vm and accept the certifcate.

ssh ubuntu@docker.local and multipass shell docker

Docker Volumes

Run the following to ensure the VM can reach areas of you disk that Docker Desktop would normally make available. This is important if you want to use volume mounts.

multipass mount /Users docker

# NOTE : Probably optional, better performance without mounting these as it give sshfs less work todo.
multipass mount /tmp docker
multipass mount /private docker
multipass mount /Volumes docker

Docker Context

Setup a docker context which will allow the docker cli to just work as normal from a terminal

export DOCKER_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@docker.local"
docker context create multipass_docker --docker "host=ssh://ubuntu@docker.local"
docker context use multipass_docker

Without Docker Context

To run docker commands, prefix DOCKER_HOST or setup a docker context

DOCKER_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@docker.local" docker ps

Or add the following to your bash / zsh profile

export DOCKER_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@docker.local"

Docker Desktop UI Replacement

Replacement for Docker Desktop UI

Use something like Portainer if you need/want something graphical to administer or work with containers and look at log files etc.

docker volume create portainer_data
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer     --restart=always     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock     -v portainer_data:/data     portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Login at https://docker.local:9443/#!/2/docker/containers

VSCode Dev-Containers

I had issues with Ubuntu 21.04 and some of the EXA Dev Containers in use. These instructions have been updated to use 20.04 LTS version of ubuntu as the image.


The docker.yml contains steps that will setup zram which will compress the memory within the VM, this can be useful if you are on a machine without much resource. This can effectively double the "ram" available for starting containers. Un-comment if you'd like this enabled.