
Toy VM Operator using kubebuilder for educational purposes presented at VMware Code Connect 2020

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Toy VM Operator using kubebuilder for educational purposes presented at VMware Code Connect 2020

what are we trying to achieve?

declarative desired state configuration over imperative scripting/automation (PowerCLI or govc)

apiVersion: vm.codeconnect.vmworld.com/v1alpha1
kind: VmGroup
  name: vmgroup-sample
  # Add fields here
  cpu: 4
  memory: 1
  replicas: 3
  template: vm-template

flow: kubectl -> operator (lib:govmomi) -> vCenter


go mod init vmworld/codeconnect
kubebuilder init --domain codeconnect.vmworld.com
kubebuilder create api --group vm --version v1alpha1 --kind VmGroup
# show existing API resources before creating our CRD
kubectl api-resources

set crd v1 version in makefile:

# Makefile
CRD_OPTIONS ?= "crd:preserveUnknownFields=false,crdVersions=v1,trivialVersions=true"

add spec/status in vmgroup_types.go

make manifests && make generate


add vc client to controller struct

type VmGroupReconciler struct {
    VC *govmomi.Client
	Log     logr.Logger
	Scheme  *runtime.Scheme


first run of the manager

install CRD

# show API resources including our CRD
kubectl api-resources
kubectl create -f config/crd/bases/vm.codeconnect.vmworld.com_vmgroups.yaml
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/vmgroups.vm.codeconnect.vmworld.com created

kubectl get vg
No resources found in default namespace.

export environment variables

export VC_USER=administrator@vsphere.local
export VC_PASS='Admin!23'
export VC_HOST=

open watch in a separate window

watch -n1 "kubectl get vg,deploy,secret"

run the operator locally

make manager && bin/manager -insecure

deploy to kubernetes

show the manager.yaml manifest

# create the secret in the target namespace
kubectl create ns codeconnect-vm-operator-system
kubectl -n codeconnect-vm-operator-system create secret generic vc-creds --from-literal='VC_USER=administrator@vsphere.local' --from-literal='VC_PASS=Admin!23' --from-literal='VC_HOST='

delete suite_test.go since we're not writing any unit/integration tests and deployment will otherwise fail

# build and deploy the manager to the cluster
make docker-build docker-push IMG=embano1/codeconnect-vm-operator:latest
make deploy IMG=embano1/codeconnect-vm-operator:latest

open watch in a separate window

watch -n1 "kubectl -n codeconnect-vm-operator-system get vg,deploy,secret"

create some VmGroups

fix the vg-2 template issue

kubectl patch vg vg-2 --type merge -p '{"spec":{"template":"vm-operator-template"}}'


kubectl delete vg --all -A
kubectl delete ns codeconnect-vm-operator-system

Advanced Topics (we could not cover)

Feel free to enhance the code and submit PR(s) :)

  • Code cleanup (DRY), unit and integration testing
  • Sophisticated K8s/vCenter error handling and CR status representations
  • Configurable target objects, e.g. datacenter, resource pool, cluster, etc.
  • Supporting multi-cluster deployments and customizable namespace-to-vCenter mappings
  • Generated object name verification and truncation within K8s/vCenter limits
  • Advanced RBAC and security/role settings
  • Controller local indexes for faster lookups
  • vCenter object caching (and change notifications via property collector) to reduce network calls and round-trips
  • Using hashing or any other form of compare function for efficient CR (event) change detection
  • Using expectations for more robust CR object handling (interleaving operations) detection
  • Smarter controller (re)queuing mechanisms
  • vCenter task management (tracking) and async vCenter operations to not block too long during Reconcile()
  • Robust vCenter session management (keep-alive, gracefully handle expired sessions, other forms of authentication against vCenter, etc.)
  • Multi-VC topologies (one-to-one for now)
  • Sophisticated leader election and availability (HA) concerns
  • Fancy kustomize(ation)
  • Production readiness (resources, certificate management, webhooks, quotas, etc.)