btbn is a tool for learning bounded tree-width Bayesian networks
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btbn --help
Usage: btbn <command> [options]
struct run bounded tree-width structure learning algorithm
mutinf compute pairwise mutual information
Usage of struct command:
-a structure learning algorithm {sample|selected|guided|iterative}
-b network output file (ex: example.bnet)
-i max number of iterations (0 means unbounded) (default 1)
-p parameters file (ex: example-parms.yaml)
-s precomputed parent set scores file (ex: example.pss)
-t available time to search for solution (0 means unbounded)
-v=true prints detailed steps (default true)
Usage of mutinf command:
-d dataset file (ex: example.csv)
-o mutual information output file (ex: example.mi)
-v=true prints detailed steps (default true)
Learn bounded tree-width bn using iterative greedy search for 2 secs. Save resulting networnk in 'example.bnet':
cd examples/
btbn struct -i 0 -t 2 -s example.pss -p example-parms.yaml -a iterative -b example.bnet
Compute mutual information:
btbn mutinf -d example.csv -o example.mi
YAML file containing specific parameters for the structure learning algorithms
treewidth: structure's tree-width upper bound
num_trees: number of ktrees to sample and sort (used on selected strategy)
mutual_info: precomputed mutual information file (used on selected strategy)
search_variation: iterative search type (greedy or astar)
treewidth: 4
num_trees: 100
mutual_info: example.mi
search_variation: greedy