SvelteKit SaaS Demo

Code examples from the video course Build a SaaS with SvelteKit


  • Authentication with Auth.js
  • Database with Prisma
  • Plans & pricing page
  • Payments with Stripe Checkout
  • Syncing subscription status via webhooks


Start by copying the example .env:

cp .env.example .env

Then customize the .env file. You'll need to provide values for:

  • DATABASE_URL: The url of your database.
  • AUTH_SECRET: The secret Auth.js uses. Can be generated using openssl rand -base64 32
  • GITHUB_ID: The id of your GitHub OAuth client.
  • GITHUB_SECRET: The secret of your GitHub OAuth client.
  • SECRET_STRIPE_KEY: Your Stripe API secret key.
  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET: Your Stripe secret for webhooks.

Install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Create the database:

pnpm prisma db push

Install the Stripe CLI

To tunnel Stripe webhooks in development mode, install Stripe's CLI.

Follow instructions here:

Development mode

First, run the dev server

pnpm dev

Then, tell Stripe to tunnel webhooks to the local dev server:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:5173/integrations/stripe

Seed data

You can adjust the seed data in prisma/seed.js to use price ids from your Stripe account.

To load seed data, run:

prisma db seed

Video course

For more info, here's the full video:
