A vagrant file and setup script for installing MySQL and Zend (for Apache/PHP 5.4) in an ubuntu vm.
This repo includes a Vagrantfile and a bootstrap script to set up a vagrant-powered vm running ubuntu 12.04 32 bit with MySql and Zend Server installed.
- I know there are several ways to accomplish this including using Puppet or Chef, but I found this was the simplest and easiest to comprehend.
- If you haven't used Vagrant before you should check it out and get it installed here: http://www.vagrantup.com/
- By default we're using Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit simply because it seems to be the most widely used as a web server due to its stability and long term support. Feel free to change (lines 6-8 of the Vagrantfile) if you prefer something else.
- Zend Server simply provides a quick and easy way to install Apache and PHP, and has a nice web interface for some configuration stuff and performance monitoring. If you would rather install vanilla apache and php, feel free to replace lines 13-21 of bootstrap.sh with your own apache/php install commands.
To get your fancy new server running, simply follow the following steps:
- Make sure you have vagrant installed (including Virtualbox)
- Put the 'Vagrantfile' and 'bootstrap.sh' files in your projects root directory.
- Run the 'vagrant up' command.
- Ta-da! Your project folder is now mounted as /vagrant (and symlinked to /var/www) inside your machine, and you can access it at the url 'localhost:8080'. I recommend putting your actual project files inside another subdirectory like "projectXYZ" which will then be accessed at 'localhost:8080/projectXYZ'
- You will also need to access 'localhost:10081' to do the Zend Server setup. Just follow the steps, and once you get to the main config, go to "Administration" and "License" to get your free license.
- Web: 'http://localhost:8080'
- PHPMyAdmin: 'http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin'
- Zend Setup: 'http://localhost:10081'
- SSH: 'vagrant ssh'
- The internal ip to your new vm is ''. Feel free to change it on line 19 of the Vagrantfile (but you will need to recreate it)
- The easiest way to access mysql directly is through phpMyAdmin. To connect with another mysql client (Sequel Pro, MySql Workbench, etc) use "SSH" settings and the ip listed above, and the ssh user "vagrant" with password "vagrant".
- 'AllowOverride All' is set for the doc root (/var/www) in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default (which is your main apache config file), because it is required for drupal's clean urls to work.