Description =========== The scripts included in this package run MUSIC after setting the necessary parameters to their correct values to focus on a Lagrangian volume of some halo. Usage ===== $ python <config-file> <level> <config-file> is the configuration file. See sample.conf for an example. <level> is the finest level in the initial conditions to be generated. This script can be run in parallel that will use multiple cores for the particle identification and searching in yt. $ mpirun -n <number-of-cores> python <level> Procedure ========= 1. Collect parameters from the original set of initial conditions (ICs) to obtain the shift of the box. 2. Given a halo position and mass, it will calculate the Lagrangian volume (LV) at the initial redshift. 3. With this LV, it will modify the appropriate parameters and supply a particle position list to MUSIC. Afterwards, MUSIC is automatically executed. * Four options for the LV are given: box, ellipsoid, convex hull, or exact. 4. The initial conditions directory is then moved to some user-specified location. Example workflow ================ 1. Create a set of initial conditions for a unigrid simulation with MUSIC. Its parameter file needs to be references in this script's configuration file (e.g. sample.conf) as the variable template_config. See template.conf for an example. 2. Run unigrid simulation (If an iteration after step #7, run zoom-in simulation.) 3. Find halo of interest in the last output 4. Modify parameters in the [region] section in the configuration file (e.g. sample.conf). The parameters are documented above their declaration. 5. Run "python sample.conf 1" 6. Run simulation with 1 nested grid with the appropriate Enzo parameter file. MUSIC will only give a skeleton parameter file, but the must-refine and nested grid parameters are given in it. 7. If another nested grid is needed, goto step #2 and increase the level argument by 1. If not, you're finished!