
A transparent implementation of STM for the Ruby language

Primary LanguageRuby

A transparent implementation of Software Transactional Memory for the Ruby language

This is an academic project. It's not optimized in any way to be used in real life, resource demanding escenarios (it should be useful as a base to achieve that goal though).


Gems: parser, unparser.

Tested with:

  • MRI 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
  • Rubinius 3.14


First, require ruby_core_ext/proc.rb to extend Proc class with the 'atomic' method.

Send the 'atomic' message to a Proc you want to execute atomically.

To execute atomically and handle a commit conflict use 'atomic_if_conflict &a_block'.

Also, 'atomic_retry' is available for automatic retry the transaction on commit conflict.

"Real life" example

See the examples directory for scripts that demonstrate how to use this library.

Use 'transfer.call' instead of 'transfer.atomic_retry' to execute non-atomically.

Known issues

  • Cannot handle multiple procs defined in a single line (separated by ';').
  • Methods or procs defined by metaprogramming means (like eval) cannot be executed inside a transaction out of the box (must implement atomic variant manually).
  • Nested transactions are not supported.
  • For the moment, atomicity is only guaranteed for instance variables (including class instance variables but not class variables).
  • Performance is poor, especially in Rubinius.