Basketball Scouting Application
Web app that allows coaches/scouts to track all relevant statistics for a specific team they are observing in real time. Detailed information for each player will be available regarding shots taken, individual statistics, observed traits, and plays run.
User Stories:
I want to be able to record all shots by a single player, then view them in a useful way
The app should be incredibly easy to use, since it will be operated during a live game
I want to record assists, rebounds, steals, and other player statistics
Player traits should be easy to add during a game
Drawing up observed plays should be intuitive, and accessing these drawings should be equally useful
Once I have completed a game, it should be easy to update/delete the compiled information so that it is easy to present to relevant basketball personnel
Multiple games for a singular team should be easy to access, so that a larger range of scouting data can be compiled and processed