
This repository is one exemple of build frontend web project

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository is one exemple of build frontend web project

Initial project for the FrontEnd studies


Live Link



The aim is the development of one website using the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Main concepts applied

  • FlexBox
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Events
  • CSS Media Query

Details of sections website

The website was building in the following divisions:

  1. Navegation bar:
  • Links for abilities, experiences and contact sections
  1. Section hero:
  • Title and show of one perfil with social media links
  1. Section abilities:
  • General, FrontEnd, BackEnd and DataScience abilities
  1. Section portfolio
  • The aim is create link for futures projects that will development
  1. Section experiences
  • Show the old and present experiences
  1. Section contact
  • Email and number for contact
  1. Footer
  • End of the website page

Instruction to run:

  1. Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:brjatoba92/site-portifolio.git
  1. After clone open the folder:
  1. Open the index file with the browser: