
SwiftFlight provides simple, straightforward networking between Swift/iOS applications and Infinite Flight's Connect API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


SwiftFlight provides a straightforward way to connect with Infinite Flight's Connect API v2.



SwiftFlight currently supports installation via CocoaPods.

Add the following to your Podfile:

source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/'
source 'https://github.com/tomthetank46/PodSpecs'

target 'InfiniteControl' do
    pod 'SwiftFlight', '~> 0.1.8'

And then run pod install

Code Examples:

Create an instance of ConnectAPI and pass it to UDPReceiver and FlightControls instances:

import SwiftFlight

let connectAPI = ConnectAPI()
let udpReceiver = UDPReceiver(API: connectAPI)
let flightControls = FlightControls(API: connectAPI)

Discover Infinite Flight UDP broadcasts on port 15000:


This will automatically set up a TCP connection to Infinite Flight, which can be accessed through the ConnectAPI class.

Setup a TCP connection with Infinite Flight directly:

connectAPI.setupNetworkCommunication(ip: "")

This should be the IPv4 of the device running Infinite Flight.

Send Commands and Set States:

flightControls.trim(step: 5)
flightControls.beacon(value: 0)
flightControls.speedToggle(value: true)

Update States:

if let id = connectAPI.StateInfoDict["aircraft/0/systems/autopilot/vnav/on"]?.ID {
    connectAPI.getState(ID: id)

You can also look up IDs with the .getID(str: String) function. This will return -1 if the string does not exist, and the ID if it does.

let id = connectAPI.getID(str: "aircraft/0/systems/autopilot/vnav/on")
if id != -1 {
    connectAPI.getState(ID: id)

Look Up Values:

let id = connectAPI.getID("aircraft/0/systems/spoilers/state"])
if id != -1 {
    let spoilersPos = connectAPI.StateByID[id]?.value as? Int32 ?? 0