
This repository is a tiny library for representing and performing partial updates of case classes in Scala, as well as serializing and deserializing these operations.

Primary LanguageScala

Partial update in Scala

todo: adapt this README since Magnolia has been replaced by custom macros

This repository is a tiny library for representing, deriving and performing partial updates of case classes in Scala, as well as serializing and deserializing these operations.

The core of the library has zero dependencies. The library only uses Circe for serialization and deserialization, but this lies in a separate module so that the user can choose its own serialization library.


Imagine you have case classes like these:

case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String, zip: String)

case class Person(
                   id: Person.Id,
                   name: String,
                   nickname: Option[String],
                   address: Address,
                   bestFriends: List[Person],
                   otherFriends: Option[List[Person]]
                 ) extends Identifiable[Person, Person.Id] // Identifiable is a type class that provides an id field

object Person {
  type Id = Int

And you want to update them partially, like this:

// initial values
val jack = Person(1, "Jack", None, Address("Park Avenue", "New York", "USA", "12345"), List(), None)
val ray = Person(2, "Ray", None, Address("Long Street", "San Francisco", "USA", "23456"), List(), None)
val john =
  Person(3, "John", Some("Johnny"), Address("Main Street", "London", "UK", "34567"), List(jack), Some(List(ray)))

// partially updated values
val updatedRay = ray.copy(nickname = Some("Raymond"))

val updatedJohn = john.copy(
  nickname = None, // John no longer has a nickname
  address = john.address.copy(street = "Partial Street", zip = "54321"), // John moved to Partial Street
  bestFriends = john.bestFriends.filter(_.id != 1), // Jack is no longer a best friend of John
  otherFriends = john.otherFriends.map(
    _.updated(0, updatedRay) :+ jack // Ray is updated and Jack is added to the list of other friends

As you can see, updating a person needs to create a new instance of the person, copying all the fields that are not updated and updating the fields that are updated. When the case class is nested, the copy method needs to be called on the nested case class, and this can become cumbersome, especially when the case class is nested several times. Concerning this last point, there exist libraries like Monocle that provide lenses ( inspired from Haskell), which are a way to focus on a field of a case class and update it, simplifying the update of nested case classes.

Another problem with this approach is when you need to partially update a list. Imagine that you have a list of N elements and you want to update the ith element. You need to copy the list, and update the ith item with the dance of updated and copy methods. Additionally, considering every list operation (add, update, delete, reorder), this kind of gymnastic gives no guarantee that the list will be correctly updated after the operation. For example, you could try to update or delete an element that does not exist in the list, or add an element that already exists. This could lead to a list that is not consistent with the update operation that was performed on it. With the library, all these mistakes will lead to errors at runtime.

Finally, when the partial update request comes from outside your application, you need to be able to represent the update in a way that can be serialized and deserialized. If you have a deeply nested case class with a lot of fields and the client wants to update only one field, it is more efficient to send only the field that is updated, instead of sending the whole case class, and decode it with the case class decoder you have in your application. Moreover, especially if your application relies on event sourcing, you may want to save the partial update in a database, in order to be able to replay the events and rebuild the state of your application. On the one hand, it is more efficient to save only the partial update, instead of the whole case class. On the other hand, by saving the whole case class, you lose "direct" precision concerning the update, because you don't know which fields have been updated and which have not. Thus, retaining only the part of the information that has changed will naturally lead to a more precise audit trail.

This library provides a convenient way to encode partial updates of case classes, and to apply them to it. The defined ADT can be easily serialized and deserialized in order to be sent over the network or saved in a database.

Moreover, if you are looking for performance, it is also possible to update the current instance of a case class in place, without creating a new instance, even if this is not idiomatic Scala.


With the library, the previous example can be rewritten like this:

val partialUpdateRay: PartialPerson = PartialPerson(nickname = PartialOptionalField.Set("Raymond"))

val partialUpdateJohn: PartialPerson = PartialPerson(
  nickname = PartialOptionalField.Deleted(),
  address = PartialNestedField.Updated(
    PartialAddress(street = PartialField.Updated("Partial Street"), zip = PartialField.Updated("54321"))
  bestFriends = PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsUpdated(operations = List(ElemDeleted(id = 1))),
  otherFriends = PartialOptionalField.Updated(
    PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsUpdated(operations =
      List(ElemUpdated(id = 2, value = partialUpdateRay), ElemAdded(id = 1, value = jack))

Let's now focus on the class PartialPerson. It is a case class that has the same fields as Person, but the fields are wrapped in other classes that represent the different types of partial updates that can be performed on a field. The same applies to the class PartialAddress. The case classes are defined as follows:

case class PartialAddress(
                           street: PartialField[String] = PartialField.Unchanged(),
                           city: PartialField[String] = PartialField.Unchanged(),
                           country: PartialField[String] = PartialField.Unchanged(),
                           zip: PartialField[String] = PartialField.Unchanged()
                         ) extends Partial[Address] {
  // ...

case class PartialPerson(
                          name: PartialField[String] = PartialField.Unchanged(),
                          nickname: SimplePartialOptionalField[String] = PartialOptionalField.Unchanged(),
                          address: PartialNestedField[Address, PartialAddress] = PartialNestedField.Unchanged(),
                          bestFriends: PartialIdentifiableListField[Person.Id, Person, PartialPerson] =
                          otherFriends: PartialOptionalListField[Person.Id, Person, PartialPerson] = PartialOptionalField.Unchanged()
                        ) extends Partial[Person] {
  // ...

where Partial is a type class that represents a partial update, and PartialField, PartialNestedField, PartialOptionalField, PartialIdentifiableListField, ... are type classes that represent the different types of partial updates that can be performed on a field. All these classes also extend Partial, which allows to nest partial updates.

Applying a partial update

The trait Partial is simply defined as follows:

trait Partial[T] {
  def applyPartialUpdate(currentValue: T): T

Probably the most important method of the library is applyPartialUpdate, which allows to apply a partial update to a case class. This is where the magic happens. You can easily guess that such a method must be "recursive" in the sense that it must be able to apply a partial update to a nested case class, and so on. Let's see how it is implemented for PartialAddress and PartialPerson:

case class PartialAddress(
                           // ...
                         ) extends Partial[Address] {
  def applyPartialUpdate(currentValue: Address): Address =
    PartialUpdator[PartialAddress].updated(this, currentValue.copy())

case class PartialPerson(
                          // ...
                        ) extends Partial[Person] {
  def applyPartialUpdate(currentValue: Person): Person =
    PartialUpdator[PartialPerson].updated(this, currentValue.copy())

Two things to note here:

  1. The magic relies on the PartialUpdator type class, which is derived by Magnolia. It will automatically apply the partial update recursively to the nested case classes until it reaches the leaves of the tree.
  2. The presence of .copy() of the current value. This is because the library is designed to be able to update the current instance of a case class in place, without creating a new instance. This is of course not idiomatic Scala, but it can be useful in some cases, especially if you are not interested in the previous value of the case class after the update. Be careful though, as this can lead to horrible bugs if misused. With the copy, the library will create a new instance of the case class, and you will be safe.

Write custom partial field types

todo: explain how to write custom partial field types


As mentioned before, it is often useful to be able to serialize and deserialize partial updates. The library provides this feature out of the box, using Circe. This is an opionated choice and this is why the implementation lies in a separate module, allowing the user to choose its own serialization library without inheriting the Circe dependency. Every partial field type has an encoder and a decoder which are combined by Circe to derive the encoder and decoder of the case class that represents the partial update. Let's focus on each partial field type separately.

Simple partial field type

For simple partial field types, represented with class PartialField, the codec will only encode and decode the value if it is updated, and the decoder will only decode values that are present in the JSON. An unchanged value is therefore not encoded. Since such a field do not represent an optional field, the decoder will fail if the value is equal to null in the JSON.

Immutable partial field type

For immutable partial field types, represented with class PartialImmutableField, there is only one way to update the value: by not changing it. The codec will therefore encode nothing, and the decoder will decode nothing.

Partial nested field

For partial nested field types, represented with class PartialNestedField, the behavior is the same, except that the encoded value is the partial nested field itself, and not the leaf value. The decoder will fail if the value is equal to null in the JSON.

Partial optional field

Compared to the two previous partial field types, an optional value can be set (first value) and deleted. When the value is deleted, it is set to null in the JSON. Concerning the set and update operations, there is a need to differentiate between the initial value and the updated value, since a partial value can either be decoded as a complete value or as a partial value (because of the optional nature of the field). For this reason, when a value is first set, it must be discriminated by a "initialValue" field in the JSON. When a value is updated, the encoded partial is directly encoded as a JSON object. See more about this in the example below.

Partial list field

A list partial update can consist in adding, updating, deleting or reordering elements. The library is designed such as it is not possible to reorder elements at the same time as the three other operations. We thus have two types of partial list field types: PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsUpdated and PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsReordered. The first is only represented with a list of operations, while the second is represented with a list of indexes. The codec will encode the list of operations or indexes. In the second case, in order to recognize the type of operations in the JSON, the codec will add a field "operation" in the JSON, which can take the values "add", "update" or "delete".


Let's go back to the previous example with Jack, Ray and John. As a reminder, we had:

val partialUpdateRay: PartialPerson = PartialPerson(nickname = PartialOptionalField.Set("Raymond"))

val partialUpdateJohn: PartialPerson = PartialPerson(
  nickname = PartialOptionalField.Deleted(),
  address = PartialNestedField.Updated(
    PartialAddress(street = PartialField.Updated("Partial Street"), zip = PartialField.Updated("54321"))
  bestFriends = PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsUpdated(operations = List(ElemDeleted(id = 1))),
  otherFriends = PartialOptionalField.Updated(
    PartialIdentifiableListField.ElemsUpdated(operations =
      List(ElemUpdated(id = 2, value = partialUpdateRay), ElemAdded(id = 1, value = jack))

By defining the following implicit encoders and decoders:

import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveCodec
import be.brkaisin.partialupdate.circe.CirceCodecs._

implicit val addressCodec: Codec[Address] = deriveCodec
implicit val personCodec: Codec[Person] = deriveCodec

implicit val partialAddressCodec: Codec[PartialAddress] = partialCodec(deriveCodec)
implicit val partialPersonCodec: Codec[PartialPerson] = partialCodec(deriveCodec)

The partial updates are serialized as follows:


  "nickname": {
    "initialValue": "Raymond"


  "nickname": null,
  "address": {
    "street": "Partial Street",
    "zip": "54321"
  "bestFriends": [
      "id": 1,
      "operation": "delete"
  "otherFriends": [
      "id": 2,
      "value": {
        "nickname": {
          "initialValue": "Raymond"
      "operation": "update"
      "id": 1,
      "value": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Jack",
        "nickname": null,
        "address": {
          "street": "Park Avenue",
          "city": "New York",
          "country": "USA",
          "zip": "12345"
        "bestFriends": [
        "otherFriends": null
      "operation": "add"

Partial update computation (diff)

Another useful feature of the library is the possibility to compute the partial update that happened between two instances of a case class. For every partial field type, we define a way to compute the partial update between two instances of the same type. This is represented by the trait PartialDiffComputor. This file contains implicits for every partial field type of the library. Once you have these implicits in scope, you can derive the diff computor for a case class by calling PartialDiffComputorMacro.derive:

final case class Foo(string: String, int: Int)

final case class PartialFoo(string: PartialField[String], int: PartialField[Int]) extends Partial[Foo] {

val fooPartialDiffComputor: PartialDiffComputor[Foo, PartialFoo] =
  PartialDiffComputorMacro.derivePartialDiffComputor // make it implicit if needed

As you can guess, Scala macros are used to derive the diff computor. When adding Scala 3 support, this will be replaced by new meta-programming system. Once you have a diff computor, you can compute the partial update between two instances of a case class by calling computePartialDiff:

val foo1 = Foo("foo", 1)
val foo2 = Foo("bar", 1)
val diff = fooPartialDiffComputor.computePartialDiff(foo1, foo2) // PartialFoo(string = Updated(bar), int = Unchanged())

Note concerning partial list field types

todo: explain that the computation of the diff between two lists is opinionated since there exists several ways to compute the diff between two lists

Future work

  • Scala 3 support (currently, the library is written for Scala 2.13 only).
  • Make the tests more unitary, by avoiding mixing different partial field types in the same basic tests, and splitting the tests in different files.
  • Automatic code generation of the case classes that represent the partial updates.
  • Add compilation type safety guarantying that the classes for partials updates are consistent with the case classes they represent (fields names, types, ...). Note that this would be solved with automatic code generation. Shapeless would be a good candidate for this, but it would also increase the compilation time, which is not desirable.
  • [Potentially] Remove Magnolia and replace it with custom meta-programming or Scala 3 built-in type class derivation.
  • Add a "module" for serialization and deserialization, allowing the user to choose its own serialization library.
  • Add the possibility to derive the partial update that happened between two instances of a case class. Now, this partial update is provided by the user. This new feature thus consists in computing a diff.
  • Implement more partial fields types, like PartialMapField, PartialSetField, PartialEnum2Field, ...
  • Implement an alternative for partial update that does not throw errors in the JVM but rather returns an Either or a Try. To be defined: do we accumulate errors (with an applicative functor) or do we stop at the first error ( monadic approach)?