
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node: v9.2.1 React v16.5.0, React Native: v0.57.1 Java SE 8


  1. Install React Native https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html
  2. Run npm i
  3. iOS (optional) - Install cocoapods if not installed sudo gem install cocoapods
  4. iOS - Install pods cd ios/ && pod install && cd ..
  5. Replace IOS_GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY in ios/XenderaTest/AppDelegate.m with Google maps key for iOS.
  6. Replace ANDROID_GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml with Google maps key for Android.



  1. Open ios/XeneraTest.xcworkspace in the XCode
  2. Select simulator for your target on top of the window
  3. Press Run


  1. Connect your android device
  2. Now check that your device is properly connecting to ADB, the Android Debug Bridge, by running adb devices. Seeing device in the right column means the device is connected. You must have only one device connected at a time.
  3. npm run android


iOS build prerequisites

  1. Install XCode and react native dependencies
  2. Install cocoapods
  3. Run cd ios/ && pod install && cd ..

iOS build

  1. Open ios/XeneraTest.xcworkspace in the XCode and make sure that you have an access to the App Store Dev team
  2. Increment build number
  3. Select Generic iOS Device for the build target
  4. Product -> Archive
  5. Window -> Organizer -> Upload

Android build prerequisites

  1. Install Android studio and react native dependencies
  2. Place the keystore file to the ./android/app folder. For the testing purposes you can generate it executing keytool -genkey -v -keystore xendera-test.keystore -alias xendera-test -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  3. Append this code to the end of the file ~/.gradle/gradle.properties replacing <password> with the password to the keystore:

Android build

  1. Increment build number in android/app/build.gradle
  2. Run npm run build-android