
Integration of CMOC (a Tandy Colour Computer C compiler) with Microsft Visual Studio Code IDE


Integration of CMOC (a Tandy Colour Computer C compiler) with Microsft Visual Studio Code IDE


First, make sure to install:

Second, configure Windows PATH variable:

  • Make sure to add the CygWin path to Windows environment variable PATH. In my system, this entry C:\cygwin64\bin was added to the PATH variable.

Once you did that, you can test the setup by going to the command line and running "cmoc --version" from the command line.

Visual Studio Code setup

The configuration assumes a project folder structure like this:







copy the integration files available on this repository to the .vscode folder under the project folder.

Each and every project needs to have a .vscode folder under it. Copy the files to every new project folder.

to compile a file:

Terminal >> Run Task >> CMOC - compile active file - target CoCo

this assumes the .c file is located in the src. The file needs to be open on Visual Studio Code.

to build a file:

Terminal >> Run Task >> CMOC - build active file - targer CoCo

before building, makes sure to open the tasks.json file and adjust the last build task argument. It is the -l parameter. To include any required library in the build add the library name after the parameter. Add additional lines for each extra library and use the -l parameter for each one of them. example: -lbgraph. If no library needs to be included, remove the parameter.

to run a file:

Debug >> Start without Debugging.


in tasks.json - cmoc location :: C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\ - change to match your own setup

in launch.json - xroar location :: C:\CODING\TRSCOLOR\xroar-0.35.2-w64\xroar - change to match your own setup

in c_cpp_properties.json - include path for cmoc default libraries :: C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\share\cmoc\include - change to match your own setup


C/C++ for Visual Studio Code extension - extension identified: ms-vscode.cpptools