Laravel To-Do


git clone
cd laravel-to-do
composer install
php artisan serve

In demo, i'm using sqlite already configured and seeded. If you want to use other database please configure .env, then

php artisan migrate

I just remove the .env line of the .gitignore to make things run without configuration.


In this project, use the admin/admin credentials to enter as Administrator or peter/peter as normal user, or richard/richard as another normal user.

  • User authentication and authorization -- Two roles: user and administrator -- Administrator has full permissions
  • User can only create and delete their own to-do items
  • Users can create a to-do list
  • Users can mark to-do items as done
  • Users can delete to-do items
  • Administrators can see all users to-do items, including deleted to-do items

Click in the circle oon the left site of the todo item to mark done

In this demo I'm not using any frontend framework (Vue/React), just blade directives and tailwindcss for style.