
Mobile web app for discovering public transit in NYC --

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Beta version: https://token.live


  • Go 1.6+
  • PostgreSQL 9.3+ with PostGIS
  • Flyway
  • Redis
  • NPM
  • Grunt
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Leaflet

Target platform

  • Ubuntu 14 LTS

Supported agencies

Agency Live departures
MTA NYC Transit Bus All routes
MTA NYC Transit Subway 123, 456, 7, ACE, BDFM, G, JZ, S
Staten Island Ferry Scheduled departures only


The full system consists of three binaries. Each binary can be configured using environment variables and typically are run as daemons. They are located under the cmds/ directory.


busapi is the queryable HTTP API. It also delivers static assets.


busloader downloads static GTFS files and loads those files into the db. When it's finished loading a set of files, it updates materialized views queried by busapi.


busprecache contacts agency-specific live data sources and writes raw response data to Redis. busapi reads that data to present live departure and vehicle location data.


Token architecture


Shared cache and external partner config

busapi and busprecache use these values to config Redis and external partner sites.

Name Description Default value
BUS_REDIS_ADDR host:port of redis localhost:6379
BUS_REDIS_TTL TTL number of seconds for Redis data 90
BUS_AGENCY_IDS List of agency IDs we should precache All supported agencies
BUS_MTA_BUSTIME_API_KEY API key for http://bustime.mta.info/ None
BUS_MTA_DATAMINE_API_KEY API key for http://datamine.mta.info/ None

Shared database config

All three binaries use the following database config. busloader must have a writeable database, but busprecache and busapi can use a read-only replica.

Name Description Default value
BUS_DB_ADDR host:port of postgres localhost:5432
BUS_DB_USER The username to use postgres
BUS_DB_PASSWORD The password to use empty
BUS_DB_NAME The database name to use postgres

busapi config

Name Description Default value
BUS_API_ADDR The HTTP host:port we listen to
BUS_WEB_DIR Location of static web assets ../../web/dist
BUS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to send with static files in query string Use API startup time
BUS_LOG_TIMING Log timing of certain queries false

busloader config

Name Description Default value
BUS_TMP_DIR Path to temporary directory os.TempDir()
BUS_GTFS_URLS Comma-separated path to GTFS zip URLs None
BUS_ROUTE_FILTER Comma-separated list of route_id values to filter on (i.e., only load these routes) None (no filter)
BUS_LOAD_FOREVER Load forever (24 hour delay between loads) if true, exit after first load if false true

busprecache config

No specific config, just the shared cache and db configs above.


In the automation/ directory, there is a sample of how to fully deploy the system. A full configuration for a deploy consists of an inventory file and a group_vars/ file. The included config is called inventory_vagrant. For security reasons (the API keys), the vars are encrypted in this repo. You can create your own config and deploy it locally by doing the following:

# Create vagrant server
$ cd automation/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ cd ../..

# Overwrite group vars with defaults
$ cd automation/group_vars
$ cp defaults.yml inventory_vagrant.yml

# Add your API keys
$ vim inventory_vagrant.yml
$ cd ../..

# Deploy the system
$ cd automation
$ ./build.sh && ./deploy.sh inventory_vagrant db_install.yml db_migrations.yml api.yml web.yml loader.yml precache.yml

# If all goes well, system is available on http://localhost:8000


Loading all data can take a long time. You can shortcut this process by filtering for a few specific routes and data files.

# Load only the G and L train info and exit after initial load
export BUS_GTFS_URLS="http://web.mta.info/developers/data/nyct/subway/google_transit.zip"
export BUS_LOAD_FOREVER="false"