
Work in progress: Reads your IMAP mail and provides UI for bulk archive/delete.

Primary LanguageGo

Work in progress

Use MongoDB to map-reduce an IMAP inbox into groupings by sender domain, address, etc. Show who is using the most space in your inbox. Provides a web UI to bulk archive these emails.

Depends On

Getting Started

  • go get github.com/sbinet/go-imap/go1/imap
  • go get labix.org/v2/mgo
  • go get labix.org/v2/mgo/bson
  • Have a mongod running locally (TODO: make configurable)
  • Edit run.sh and insert your IMAP server, user, and pw.
  • Have port 80 open and know your sudo pw (TODO: make configurable)
  • ./run.sh
  • Load your emails into MongoDB:
  • Take a look at your emails:
  • Hit archive button


  • Create login screen
  • Creating loading overlay
  • Integrate with gmail oauth token
  • Fix simultaneous connections bug
  • Make buttons more response
  • Add "friends" list (by default assume emails not junk)
  • Dynamic create user name based on login
  • Save data over time rather than re-creating