Here’s how you can structure the detailed project plan into a clear and concise **README** file for your personal finance tracker project.


# Personal Finance Tracker

## Overview

The **Personal Finance Tracker** is a web application designed to help users track their income, expenses, and budgets. Users can input transactions, categorize them, and view their financial summaries through data visualizations. This project uses **React** with **Material UI** on the frontend, **Flask** as the backend API, and **PostgreSQL** as the database. The app will be containerized with **Docker** for easy deployment.

## Features

- **User Authentication**
  - Register and log in to access personal financial data.
- **Transaction Management**
  - Add, edit, and delete transactions (income/expenses).
  - Categorize transactions (e.g., groceries, bills, entertainment).
- **Budgeting**
  - Set monthly budgets for different categories.
  - Visualize budget progress for each category.
- **Dashboard with Data Visualization**
  - Overview of income, expenses, and net balance.
  - Pie charts and bar charts for expense categorization and monthly summaries.
- **Reports**
  - Generate and download monthly or yearly financial reports in PDF format.

## Technologies

### Frontend:

- **React**: For building interactive UI components.
- **Material UI**: Pre-built components and design framework for a responsive and polished frontend.
- **Axios**: For making HTTP requests to the backend API.

### Backend:

- **Flask**: Python web framework for building the API.
- **SQLAlchemy**: ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for interacting with PostgreSQL.
- **Flask-CORS**: To allow cross-origin requests from the frontend.

### Database:

- **PostgreSQL**: Relational database to store user transactions, budgets, and categories.

### Containerization:

- **Docker**: For containerizing the frontend, backend, and database services.
- **Docker Compose**: To manage multiple containers (React, Flask, PostgreSQL).

## Project Architecture

The project follows the **Model-View-Controller (MVC)** architecture:

- **Model**: Handles the data and business logic (PostgreSQL with SQLAlchemy models).
- **View**: User interface components built with React and Material UI.
- **Controller**: Flask API to handle requests, process data, and send responses.

## Setup Instructions

### 1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd personal-finance-tracker

### 2. Set Up Docker

The project is fully containerized using Docker and Docker Compose. The Docker Compose file orchestrates the frontend (React), backend (Flask), and database (PostgreSQL) services.

#### Build and Start the Containers:

docker-compose up --build

This will:

- Set up the PostgreSQL database.
- Start the Flask API.
- Serve the React app on `http://localhost:3000`.

### 3. Database Migrations

To set up the PostgreSQL database and tables, run the following Flask migration commands:

docker exec -it <backend-container-id> flask db init
docker exec -it <backend-container-id> flask db migrate -m "Initial migration"
docker exec -it <backend-container-id> flask db upgrade

### 4. Access the Application

Once the containers are up and running, you can access the application via your browser at `http://localhost:3000`.

- **Frontend**: React app will be running on port 3000.
- **Backend API**: Flask API will be accessible at `http://localhost:5000`.

### 5. Running Tests

- **Backend (Flask)**:
  Use `Pytest` for testing Flask routes and business logic. To run the tests:

  docker exec -it <backend-container-id> pytest

- **Frontend (React)**:
  Use `Jest` for testing React components. To run the tests:
  cd frontend
  npm test

## Project Structure

├── backend/                   # Flask backend
│   ├──                 # Main API routes
│   ├──              # SQLAlchemy database models
│   ├── migrations/            # Database migrations
│   └── tests/                 # Pytest-based tests
├── frontend/                  # React frontend
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── components/        # React components (AddTransaction, Dashboard, etc.)
│   │   ├── App.js             # Main app component
│   │   └── index.js           # Entry point
│   └── public/
├── docker-compose.yml         # Docker Compose configuration
├── Dockerfile                 # Dockerfile for Flask backend
└──                  # Project README

## Future Improvements

- **Recurring Transactions**: Automate recurring expenses and income entries (e.g., rent, salary).
- **Savings Goals**: Allow users to set savings goals and track progress.
- **Machine Learning**: Add machine learning algorithms to predict future expenses based on historical data.
- **Notifications**: Notify users when they approach or exceed their budgets.


This README should give you a solid foundation for your project, outlining its structure, setup, and future possibilities. Let me know if you want to tweak or expand it further!