
Scripts to analyze mitochondria data. These scripts combine and process the output from running the mitochondria mode of Mutect2 through Terra on several samples. The most recent version of the WDL is available here.

Step 1:

The WDL outputs one file per sample containing per base coverage across the entire mitochondria calculated from Picard's CollectWgsMetrics. Running will combine the per base coverage files across many samples into a mt(MatrixTable), ht(HailTable), and tsv file, and will also calculate the following aggregate statistics per base:

  • Mean coverage
  • Median coverage
  • Fraction of samples with > 100x coverage
  • Fraction of samples with > 10000x coverage

Required inputs:

  • input-tsv: Input file with coverage files to combine in tab-delimited format of participant_id, path to the per base coverage for that sample, sample name
  • output-ht: Name of ht to write output
  • temp-dir: Temporary directory to use for intermediate outputs

The mt that is output is used as input to

Step 2:

The script takes individual sample vcfs and combines them into one vcf/mt. This script:

  • Combines individual sample vcfs into one vcf
  • Removes the "possible_numt", "mt_many_low_hets", and "FAIL" FT filters because these filters were found to have low performance but still may be present if running earlier versions of the Mutect2 mitochondria pipeline
  • For sites without a call in a particular sample, sets the call to missing if the sample has coverage <= minimum_homref_coverage (default: 100x) at that position, otherwise sets the call to homoplasmic reference
  • Applies the "artifact_prone_site" filter to any SNP or deletion that spans a known problematic site supplied in the "artifact_prone_sites_path" bed file

Required inputs:

  • participant-data: Participant data (the downloaded data tab from Terra), should be a tab-delimited file with at minimum columns for 'entity:participant_id'(sample name with prohibited-characters replaced with underscores), 's'(sample name), and VCF output (path to the VCF output by mutect, name of this column is supplied to the vcf_col_name parameter)
  • coverage-mt-path: Path to MatrixTable of sample-level coverage (per-sample and per-base, can be generated by running
  • vcf-col-name: Name of column in participant data file that contains the path to the VCF output by Mutect2
  • artifact-prone-sites-path: Path to BED file of artifact-prone sites to flag in the FILTER column
  • output-bucket: Path to bucket to which results should be written
  • temp-dir: Temporary directory to use for intermediate outputs
  • file-name: File name to use for output files (will be used the the .vcf.bgz and .mt outputs)

Step 3:

Annotations to the mt/vcf are added by running the script. Some of the main functions in this script include:

  • Sets the GT to heteroplasmic (0/1) or homoplasmic (1/1) based on the supplied min-het-threshold (default: 0.10) and min-hom-threshold (0.95)
  • Adds sample annotations from data download in Terra ("participant_id", "contamination", "freemix_percentage", "major_haplogroup", "wgs_median_coverage", "mt_mean_coverage"). "contamination", "major_haplogroup", and "mt_mean_coverage" are output by the Mutect2 mitochondria pipeline, whereas "freemix_percentage" (from VerifyBamID) and "wgs_median_coverage" (from CollectWgsMetrics) should be uploaded by the user (as well as "age" and "pop" if the "subset-to-gnomad-release" argument cannot be used). Column "s" (Sample ID) is used as the key for joining.
  • Annotates a variant as "hap_defining_variant" (based on Phylotree), and adds in-silico predictors of variant severity (from PON-mt-tRNA and MitoTIP)
  • Adds sample metadata, at minimum inferred nuclear ancestry ("pop") should be supplied
  • Filters out samples with low (< 50) or high (> 500) estimated mitochondria copy number
  • Filters out samples with contamination > 2% (based on nuclear contamination, mitochondria contamination, and internal algorithm)
  • Adds VEP and dbSNP annotations
  • Applies two variant-level filters ("indel_stack" and "ngp"). Definitions of the variant-level filters:
    • "artifact_prone_site": Variant overlaps a site that is known to be problematic. Applied in
    • "indel_stack": All samples with the given indel were multiallelic for heteroplasmic indels at the site.
    • "npg": No pass genotype. No sample had a pass genotype for the variant.
  • Flags "common_low_heteroplasmy" variants, which are variants found at an overall frequency of > 0.001 across all samples with a PASS genotype and heteroplasmy level > 0 and < 50% (includes variants < vaf-filter-threshold which are subsequently filtered)
  • Sets genotypes < vaf-filter-threshold (default: 0.01) to homoplasmic reference
  • Sets non-PASS genotypes and genotypes with heteroplasmy < min-het-threshold (default: 0.10) to missing
  • Outputs summary of variant statistics and applied filters ("stats.txt" and "stats_pass.txt")

Required inputs:

  • mt-path: Path to combined mt
  • output-dir: Path to directory to which output should be written
  • participant-data: Output file that results from Terra data download
  • vep-results: MatrixTable path to output vep results (either the existing results or where to ouput new vep results if also setting run_vep)

Output will include an annotated mt.vcf, sites-only ht/vcf, and simplified txt file containing only the variant-identifying information as well as "filters", "AC_hom", "AC_het", "AF_hom", "AF_het", "AN", "max_hl".

NOTE: vaf-filter-threshold should match what was supplied as the vaf_filter_threshold when running the Mutect2 mitochondria pipeline.

An example of the VEP init file can be found in the resources directory. Example for spinning up a cluster to run VEP:

hailctl dataproc start CLUSTER_NAME \
--worker-machine-type=n1-highmem-4  \
--worker-boot-disk-size=200 \
--preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size=200 \
--metadata=VEP_CONFIG_PATH=/vep_data/vep-gcloud.json,VEP_CONFIG_URI=file:///vep_data/vep-gcloud.json,VEP_REPLICATE=us \
--requester-pays-allow-all \
--project PROJECT_NAME \
--num-preemptible-workers 15 \
--max-idle 2h \
--properties=spark:spark.speculation=true \
--packages "git+"

Scripts assume samples have been processed on GRCh38. More information on details of the pipeline and detailed descriptions of annotations can be found on our blog.