To start the mezzanine application: $ sudo -u ibdmdb /bin/bash $ . /local/ibdmdb/SOURCE_THIS $ . /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine/bin/activate $ cd /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine/hmp2 # for config file with local socket: $ gunicorn_django -c /local/ibdmdb/etc/gunicorn.conf # for port: $ gunicorn_django -w 2 -b & # try this now (as of 2/19/15) $ cd /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine $ nohup gunicorn -c /local/ibdmdb/etc/gunicorn.conf hmp2.wsgi:application # Why gunicorn -w 2 -b hmp2:app doesn't work - I'm not sure... # The mezzanine deployment on ibdmdb-int2 initially scanned the filesystem for files to display to the user during web requests. This prooved a rather bad idea as the filesystem is slow (and sometimes unresponsive) due to sharing it with other groups at the Broad). Thus, we turned to caching. A python script called '' runs nightly and records all files in the directories: /seq/ibdmdb/data_deposition /seq/ibdmdb/processing /seq/ibdmdb/public and creates the following caches (containing the files found under those directories) /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine/hmp2/data_cache_fs.txt /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine/hmp2/processing_cache_fs.txt /local/ibdmdb/mezzanine/hmp2/public_cache_fs.txt These files are used during web requests to display links to the current content on each filesystem area.