
Base image for Scala programs and services

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This is a base Docker image for Scala applications that need to run commands with sbt. Useful for development, building, and testing. Compiled applications shouldn't need this.


  • AdoptOpenJDK Java 11
  • Scala
  • SBT
  • Git

This image is built off of the latest AdoptOpenJDK Java 11 image. It is currently published manually.

The current version of the image is here: broadinstitute/scala-baseimage

N.B. The latest tag points to a legacy Java 8 image!

Available tags

Java 11:

Scala SBT Tag
2.12.11 1.4.7 jdk11-2.12.11-1.4.7
2.12.12 1.4.[6/7/9] jdk11-2.12.12-1.4.[6/7/9]
2.12.13 1.4.[7/9] jdk11-2.12.13-1.4.[7/9]
2.13.5 1.4.7 jdk11-2.13.5-1.4.7

Java 8 (Legacy):

Scala SBT Tag
2.12.2 0.13.15 scala-2.12.2
2.11.8 0.13.12 scala-2.11.8
2.11.7 0.13.9 latest

(See build.sh)