Launch a multi-select contact picker activity, useful for importing and inviting contacts to apps.
- 2
- 5
Didn't Work in fragment
#38 opened by pareekrohit - 0
#56 opened by pradeepknila - 0
Selected contacts on the top
#55 opened by Muskan-13 - 3
Migration to AndroidX
#51 opened by peterhav - 1
Contacts loading too slow
#53 opened by alvaromanja1 - 0
Support for Addresses?
#54 opened by hbanzon - 1
Should be support multiple number
#45 opened by vandanabpatel - 1
startactivityforresult does not run
#50 opened by abhigupta19 - 1
Can't see any contact.
#49 opened by helloerikaaa - 0
Please add the following features
#48 opened by antileks - 0
- 0
can you provide a method to change the botton text "Select All" and "Finish" ?
#46 opened by newCaoTao - 1
- 7
Slow loading with multiple thousands of contacts.
#27 opened by vekain - 0
API deprecated for themed Toolbar
#32 opened by romainhamm - 1
Changing the spinner color
#34 opened by elmalote - 2
- 2
- 0
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.List.iterator()' on a null object reference
#43 opened by cico1980 - 0
- 0
- 2
How i can filter Whatsapp contact only ?
#41 opened by TechnoPrashant - 0
- 1
How to limit selection?
#35 opened by punyanagari - 4
- 2
It's not possible to override transition when open and finish MultiContactPickerActivity
#29 opened by romainhamm - 1
- 7
Not picking both contacts by adding key "Mobile" and "Home". Picking only first contact number.
#24 opened by 6neeru - 1
show all selected contacts
#26 opened by chukkamahesh8 - 4
Get selected contacts into listview
#25 opened by zubairhashim93 - 4
- 7
Shows Memory leaks
#15 opened by ramupal2613 - 2
- 1
- 4
Feature Request: Select/Unselect All
#11 opened by devendroid - 2
Does not work when used for a fragment
#16 opened by peterhav - 1
Disable "Select All"
#22 opened by pfieffer - 2
- 0
Loading - Too Much Wait Time
#20 opened by susmitpy - 3
Support for select single contact
#17 opened by huynhphan89 - 2
Feature Request: Addresses
#4 opened by mandrachek - 1
Loading time
#7 opened by shimiuh - 1
- 2
- 7
Force close on android oreo
#5 opened by sajorahasan - 5
Function of Searching
#2 opened by DenisWu - 10
- 1
Fatal Erro when pick +7 contacts
#1 opened by weslleyng