
Fake Network Operating Systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fake Network Operating Systems - FakeNOS

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

~ Albert Einstein

FakeNOS created to simulate Network Operating Systems interactions.


Install GIT, next install from master:

python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/dmulyalin/fakenos

Sample Usage

This code starts two devices listening for SSH connections on address ports 6001 and 6002 named router1 and router2 respectively:

from fakenos import FakeNOS

network = FakeNOS()

Initiate SSH connection using default username user and password user:

ssh -l user -p 6001

Adding vendors

Files that need to updated are:
1) Add the code for your vendor to fakenos/plugins/nos/your_plugin.py
2) Add the import in fakenos/plugins/nos/__init__.py
3) Update nos_plugins dictionary in fakenos/plugins/nos/__init__.py

Creating instances with different vendors

from fakenos import FakeNOS

network = FakeNOS(
    hosts = {
       "router1": {"nos": "cisco_ios", "port": 6002},
       "nid1": {"nos": "accedian", "port": 6003},

How to Generate SSH private key

By default FakeNOS uses SSH private key embedded with the package, making that key publicly available, which is insecure. Instead, FakeNos can use locally generated SSH key.


Use the command ssh-keygen -A in terminal to generate all of your SSH keys. Once the command is run, you can find the RSA key in the following location: ~/.ssh/id_rsa a.k.a. /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa. Supply above path as ssh_key_file argument to FakeNOS server configuration.

Alternatively can use ckeygen -t rsa -f ssh-keys/ssh_host_rsa_key command to generate private key.

Windows 10

Press Windows Key, type Manage Optional Features. If OpenSSH Client & Server is in the list, you're all set. If either is not, click on "Add a feature" and search for OpenSSH, click on them to install. Next, open cmd as administrator. Enter the command ssh-keygen and follow the on screen prompts. The location of the key will be displayed. Supply displayed path as ssh_key_file argument to FakeNOS server configuration. If you put a password, include it as the ssh_key_file_password parameter.

FakeNOS inspired by and borrowed from

  • sshim - library for testing and debugging SSH automation clients
  • PythonSSHServerTutorial - tutorial on creating paramiko based SSH server
  • fake-switches - pluggable switch/router command-line simulator
  • ncs-netsim - tool to simulate a network of devices
  • cisshgo - concurrent SSH server to emulate network equipment for testing purposes