
a tidier client for reddit

Primary LanguageClojure

tider for reddit

a tidier reddit experience


Start dev environment by running first:

npm install -g shadow-cljs
npm install

Then start it with:

clj -A:cljs:dev

This will start four things:

  • clojure backend server (at port 3000)
  • nREPL server for the clojure backend (at port 6688)
  • shadow-cljs watcher (at port 9630)
  • a CLJS nREPL for the frontend (at port 6699)

Note this will also hold the current process with these four "servers", closing it closes the entire dev environment.

After this has started, and you see the REPL prompt, the dev env is ready to go. Visit http://localhost:3000 to open the app. The CLJS nREPL won't work until you visit said page in your browser.

Any changes to files located at tider/app/**/*.cljs will be automatically picked up by the shadow-cljs watcher, compiled and hot reloaded.

Changes to server files will need to be re-eval'd as usual (i.e. using your IDE/editor). If you want a terminal REPL for the backend, run:

clj -A:dev:repl