
Wrapper to combine others' work to integrate with laravel

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel OVH Object Storage driver

Latest Version on Packagist Build Status Quality Score StyleCI Total Downloads License: MIT

Laravel Storage facade provides support for many different filesystems.

This is a wrapper to combine others' work to integrate with laravel and provide support for OVH Object Storage.


Install via composer:

composer require sausin/laravel-ovh

Note: Branch 1.2.x works for PHP versions < 7.2

Then include the service provider in config/app.php


in the providers array

Define the ovh driver in the config/filesystems.php as below

'ovh' => [
    'server' => env('OVH_URL'),
    'driver' => 'ovh',
    'user' => env('OVH_USER'),
    'pass' => env('OVH_PASS'),
    'region' => env('OVH_REGION'),
    'tenantName' => env('OVH_TENANT_NAME'),
    'container' => env('OVH_CONTAINER'),
    'projectId' => env('OVH_PROJECT_ID'),
    'urlKey' => env('OVH_URL_KEY'),

define the correct env variables above in your .env file and you should now have a working OVH Object Storage setup :)

Be sure to run

php artisan config:cache

again if you've been using the caching on your config file.


Refer to extensive laravel documentation for usage. Of note - this package includes support for the following additional methods:




The temporary url is relevant for private containers where files are not publicly accessible under normal conditions. This generates a temporary url with expiry (see details here for usage).

Note that this requires the container to have a proper header. The key in the header should match the urlKey specified in filesystems.php. For details on how to setup the header on your OVH container, see here.
