
pyfos repository for FOS

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

PyFOS - 2.0.1

What is PyFOS

PyFOS is a python language binding that works with REST API
supported for FOS versions 8.2.x to 9.0.x. 
PyFOS distribution is intended to:
1) provide 1-to-1 functional coverage of FOS REST API and
2) provide utility scripts that can be used to directly or
be used as reference examples to create your own. pyfos/pyfos
directory contains modules & functions that provides 1-to-1
functional coverage of FOS REST API. pyfos/pyfos/utils directory
contains modules & scripts that can be used to kick start
day-to-day operations or to be used as reference examples for
your own scripts.

What can I do with PyFOS?

Since PyFOS provides 1-to-1 functional coverage of underlying
FOS REST API, all features and functions available through FOS
REST API is available through PyFOS. Some examples of these are,
not limited to, port configuration update/get, port statistics
get/clear, full zoning database management support, NS/fdmi get,
etc. Please refer to FOS REST API for the full list of features
and functions.

FOS and PyFOS versions

PyFOS 2.0.1 covers up to FOS 9.0.1

Directory structure

pyfos - root directory
    \_ pyfos - directory that contains library modules
        \_ utils - directory that contains utility scripts
    \_ docs - directory that contains PyFOS documentations
        \_ documentations
            \_ html - directory that contains Sphinx generated
                        *.html documentations.

Supported platforms

Tested with Python3 (3.5.2) with setuptools
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS


pyfos can be installed directly from github.com or using pip

    1) install pyfos directly from github.com into the library path
        git clone https://github.com/brocade/pyfos
        cd pyfos
        pip3 install --user -e .

    2) install pyfos using pip into the library path
        pip3 install --user pyfos

HTML based documentation

HTML files are created under <pyfos directory>/docs/documentations/html. use index.html
as the starting point.


if library path is used for pyfos & dependencies only - remove the directory as a whole
if library path is used by other modules also - remove pyfos & dependencies manually
    If installed pyfos using pip3, use uninstall option to remove



Code walk through of switch_show.py & switch_name_set.py

Before you can make use of the PyFOS modules, you need to import

    import pyfos.pyfos_auth as pyfos_auth
    import pyfos.pyfos_brocade_fibrechannel_switch as pyfos_switch
    import pyfos.pyfos_util as pyfos_util
    import pyfos.utils.brcd_util as brcd_util

pyfos_auth module contains login/logout functions.
pyfos_brocade_fibrechannel_switch module contains switch object
definition. pyfos_util module contains various utility functions,
including object print function. utils.brcd_util contains
primarily script options/inputs handling functions.

We are now ready to login to FOS switch.

    valid_options = []
    inputs = brcd_util.generic_input(argv, usage, valid_options)

    session = pyfos_auth.login(inputs["login"], inputs["password"],
                           inputs["ipaddr"], inputs["secured"],
    if pyfos_auth.is_failed_login(session):
        print("login failed because",

Above example uses brcd_util.generic_input() functionn to retrieve
user inputs in uniform way. The core of what the code segment is
doing is pyfos_auth.login() function.

Here, you are providing the login name, password associated with
the login, IP address of the FOS switch to connect to and indication
to use HTTP or HTTPS. Once successful, a session is returned. This
dictionary structure contains information in regards to the
connection to the FOS switch now established. All subsequent
operations to get/create/update/delete/logout must specify a valid
and active session.

Number of concurrent active sessions allowed is controlled based
on FOS switch configuration. 

Once you have a session established, we are now ready to get switch
object to display.

    switch = pyfos_switch.fibrechannel_switch.get(session)

Above example shows how to "get" object from FOS. If getting
information from FOS is needed, you would want to use get()
function available from PyFOS object class.

What the get() function returns can be error code, an object or
a list of objects. You can check to see if the function returned
an error by pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(<returned by get>).
If not an error, you can check to see if the get() returned
an object or a list of objects by isinstance(<returned by get>, list).

Although we return an object or a list of objects, you can print
the object into JSON formatted output by simply print() or

You can also "peek" into a specific attribute within the object.
The function name is "peek_" + name of the attribute with "-"
converted to "_". So, you can read the "name" of the switch object
by doing switch.peek_name() after the object has been retrieved
from FOS using the get() function. An example of above can be
changed to

    switch = pyfos_switch.fibrechannel_switch.get(session)

When wanting to create/update/delete, you would want to use post(),
patch() or delete() function provided by the object. Typically,
you would instantiate an object, set attributes such as key
and desired attributes for change, and post/patch/delete.

    current_switch = pyfos_switch.fibrechannel_switch.get(session)

    switch = pyfos_switch.fibrechannel_switch()
    name = current_switch.peek_name()
    result = switch.patch(session)

In the example above, switch object is first gotten to retrieve
the name of the switch to be used during patch(). A new switch
object is instantiated, set WWN in name attribute, set the switch
name in string, and patch() to apply the change to FOS.

A single session can be used many times to get/create/update/delete.
Once all the work is completed, pyfos_auth.logout(<session structure>)
is called to clear the connection established with the FOS switch.
Here is what it looks like:



Contributions to this project require the submission of a Contributor Assignment
Agreement ("CAA"). The CAA transfers the copyright to your contribution from you 
(or your employer) to Broadcom, and in return Broadcom grants back a license to use 
your Contribution. This ensures Broadcom has the flexibility to license the 
project under an appropriate license. 

Contributor Assignment Agreement ("CAA")
Contributors must sign and submit a CAA before a contribution can be accepted. Two CAAs are available, one for individual contributions and one for contributions made on behalf of an entity, e.g., an employer. Select the appropriate link below to electronically execute a CAA:
CAA - Individual:  https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=7af19c0f-ae97-4b56-b950-fc4796860c79
CAA - Entity:  https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=f657df18-ed64-4c51-a8f2-618bbd17d355
For more information on contributing, see CONTRIBUTING.md.

Docker Deployment

Docker is an open source containerization platform which enables developers to package pyfos 
into standardized executable components. Docker-compose is used to manage pyfos application
that is built upon multiple containers and all of which reside on the same host. Users
can also define peristent volumes for storage, configure service
dependancies and specifiy base nodes using docker-compose.

Docker Dependencies

- Docker
- Docker-Compose

Installation Steps

The below are the steps to install docker container for pyfos application.

1. Change directory to pyfos repository.
2. Build the "pyfos" container
        "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build"
3. Start the container
        "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up"
4. Install the pyfos repository within the container
        "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml exec python3 -m pip install -e ."
Connect to Container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml exec pyfos bash