DRUPAL SIEGE Use this script just like you would siege; all arguments will get passed to siege. You must be using version 2.70b or above: ftp://ftp.joedog.org/pub/siege/beta/ Previous versions won't return cookies set by Drupal (See changelog: ftp://ftp.joedog.org/pub/siege/beta/ChangeLog). KNOWN ISSUES Currently, you can't specify a siegerc file with the -R flag. However, your regular siegerc will be used (siege -C to see where it is...) USAGE ./drplsiege.sh -c1 -r10 www.example.com/admin/build/modules LICENSE See LICENSE file which is the Expat license (one of several "MIT" licenses).
A helper script to use siege on Drupal pages which require authentication. Must be using siege 2.70b or above: ftp://ftp.joedog.org/pub/siege/beta/