
Provide simple methods wrappers to wubook.net API, Symfony2 bundle

Primary LanguagePHP


Notice: Bundle is stable but not every method mentioned in wubook API docs is implemented. (feel free to contribute)

WubookAPIBundle performs request to wubook.net API, it's Symfony2 bundle. This bundle completly takes the responsibility of handling token. It saves it under you cache directory and always use it. Even if you don't have token managed it will acquire it for you (of course if your config is properly filled)

Implemented methods

acquire_token, release_token, is_token_valid, provider_info,
fetch_rooms, room_images, new_reservation, fetch_bookings,
fetch_booking, fetch_rooms_values, cancel_reservation, update_avail,
update_sparse_avail, fetch_new_bookings, new_room, mod_room, del_room,
push_url, mark_bookings, push_activation, push_update_activation, push_update_url

More coming soon


$ composer require kamwoz/wubookapi-bundle "dev-master"

In AppKernel.php

new Kamwoz\WubookAPIBundle\WubookAPIBundle(),

Configure the bundle (all fields are mandatory):

# app/config/config.yml
    client_username: %wubook_api.client_username%
    client_password: %wubook_api.client_password%
    provider_key: ~ #ask support for it
    property_id: ~ #get it from your account
# app/config/parameters.yml
    wubook_api.client_username: yourUsername
    wubook_api.client_password: yourPassword

Example usage (docs coming soon)

//some controller
//fetch bookings from last week
$dateFrom = new \DateTime("-1 week");
$dateTo = new \DateTime();
$bookingArrays = $this->get('wubook_api.booking_handler')->fetchBookings($dateFrom, $dateTo);

Current services which can be used
