This example project shows how to configure Avro, Flume, and Hive together so Flume Events can be queried with Hive upon ingest. 1) Define the hive table with hive-create-table.ddl 2) Execute mvn package to build avro-flume-hive-example-1.0.jar and place in flumes lib directory. 3) Start a flume agent with flume.conf and ingest data to HDFS. 4) Query data via hive: hive> select body from events limit 5; ... OK 0 1 2 3 4 Time taken: 5.233 seconds hive> select headers["timestamp"] from events limit 5; ... OK 1358643304563 1358643304563 1358643304563 1358643304563 1358643304563 Time taken: 5.266 seconds