
Example using Globus Flows with Funcx

Primary LanguagePython

Example Globus Flow

This flow example has two main components,

  1. Globus Flow
  2. Globus Compute aka funcx


Setup virtual env As of 6/2023

ssh gl-login1.arc-ts.umich.edu

module load python/3.10.4


source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install globus-compute-endpoint
python3 -m pip install globus-automate-client

Startup funcx endpoint on gl-login1

Need to start this on same host always. An endpoint per slurm configuration is required.

globus-compute-endpoint configure gl-login1-standard

globus-compute-endpoint list

# copy in example parsl config to use slurm 
# this can be skipped and test will run on the login node to veryify

cp config.py ~/.globus_compute/gl-login1-standard/config.py

# edit config.py and update account, slurm settings
# example defaults to using a whole 36 core 180gb node

globus-compute-endpoint start gl-login1-standard 
globus-compute-endpoint list

#should list running

Register function with funcx

# save UUID 
python3 reg_func.py

globus automate/flow

deploy flow

# save UUID 
globus-automate flow deploy --title "ARC Example Flow" \
    --definition flow-def.json --input-schema input-schema.json 

run flow

Edit input.json for your own path and server. Default values are for the web UI only and must be provided when calling on the CLI. The example input.json has all the required variables.

globus-automate flow run <uuid>  --flow-input
input.json  --label test-cli1