
A simple Sapper starter with Sass

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sassy Sapper starter

Minimal Sapper boilerplate using Rollup and Sass. Includes sensible base styles to get the ball rolling.

Other features:

  • TailwindCSS colors as Sass variables (+ some useful utility classes)
  • Markdown .md files to generate wordy pages at /routes/notes
  • Basic menu button

install and run

npm i
npm run dev


npm run build && npm start

.. will build production site, disabling live reloading and activating the appropriate bundler plugins.

a note on exporting

Sapper only exports pages that are reachable via links from the root page. To force build other pages in your site, add this to the "export" script in package.json:

--entry \"/path-to-page /path/to/another/page\" 


Images added to src/node_modules/img can be imported into your code using import 'img/<filename>'.


Files in this directory will be available directly under the root URL, e.g. an image.jpg will be available as /image.jpg.

service worker

The default service-worker.js will preload and cache static files, by retrieving a list of files from the generated manifest:

import { files } from '@sapper/service-worker';