
A pub sub event system for Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple pub sub event system for Unity.


public class TestEvent
    public string PlayerName { get; set; }

public class TestSubscriber : MonoBehaviour
    // Bind this MonoBehaviour to a specific event
    private void Start()

    // or you can assign/unassign manually, useful for non MonoBehaviour classes
    private void OnEnabled()
        UEvent<TestEvent>.Event += TestEventCallback;
        UEvent<string>.Event += GenericEventCallback;

    private void OnDisabled()
        UEvent<TestEvent>.Event -= TestEventCallback;
        UEvent<string>.Event -= GenericEventCallback;
    // callbacks

    private void TestEventCallback(TestEvent message)
        Debug.Log($"{message.PlayerName} has entered the game", this);

    private void GenericEventCallback(string message)
        Debug.Log($"GenericMessage message received: {message}", this);


// IMessage event
UEvent.Publish(new TestEvent{ PlayerName = "Player One" });

// Generic Message event
UEvent.Publish("Public service announcement");