
swag video downloader, Windows application for download videos from https://app.swag.live/. This tool is only use for download videos that are already purchased from your personal swag account. Warning : Do not share videos download by this tool, this is only a backup tool. swag 下載器, 程式是用來備份使用者在 https://app.swag.live/ 上購買的影片與圖片到本地電腦. 警告 : 請勿用任何形式分享用此程式下載的任何內容



Windows application for download videos from https://app.swag.live/

Step 1:

Download application from Here(google drive).:toolbox:

Step 2:

Open browser and Navigate to https://app.swag.live/ and Login your account.

Step 3:

To extract token open any page in https://app.swag.live/ and Press F12 to open DevTool from your browser then Paste the following code into the console. Hit Enter then your token will be printed. Try

var db;
var request = indexedDB.open("localforage", 2);
request.onsuccess = function() {
  db = request.result;
  var tx = db.transaction("keyvaluepairs", "readonly");
  var store = tx.objectStore("keyvaluepairs");
  var _request = store.getAll("_refreshToken")
  _request.onsuccess = function() {
    var token = _request.result.toString();


var db;
var request = indexedDB.open("localforage", 3);
request.onsuccess = function() {
  db = request.result;
  var tx = db.transaction("keyvaluepairs", "readonly");
  var store = tx.objectStore("keyvaluepairs");
  var _request = store.getAll("_refreshToken")
  _request.onsuccess = function() {
    var token = _request.result.toString();

Step 4:

Copy and paste your token into token.txt then save and close it.

Step 5:

Double click to run the application swag_backup_downloader.exe then if your token is vaild the download will begin shortly.:+1:

swag 影片備份下載器


Windows的程式,用來下載在 https://app.swag.live/ 上購買的影片與圖片.


下載主程式(google drive).:toolbox:


使用瀏覽器開啟網頁 https://app.swag.live/ 並且登入Swag帳號.


https://app.swag.live/ 的任何頁面按下F12 打開開發者工具把下面的程式碼複製貼上在console內按下Enter鍵, Token就會印在下方 試試 indexedDB有些人的瀏覽器升級到v3了請改用第二個程式碼如果不確定請兩個都嘗試看看

var db;
var request = indexedDB.open("localforage", 2);
request.onsuccess = function() {
  db = request.result;
  var tx = db.transaction("keyvaluepairs", "readonly");
  var store = tx.objectStore("keyvaluepairs");
  var _request = store.getAll("_refreshToken")
  _request.onsuccess = function() {
    var token = _request.result.toString();


var db;
var request = indexedDB.open("localforage", 3);
request.onsuccess = function() {
  db = request.result;
  var tx = db.transaction("keyvaluepairs", "readonly");
  var store = tx.objectStore("keyvaluepairs");
  var _request = store.getAll("_refreshToken")
  _request.onsuccess = function() {
    var token = _request.result.toString();


打開token.txt檔案並把token複製貼上來, 存檔並關閉token.txt.


執行應用程式swag_backup_downloader.exe, 如果token驗證成功下載就會開始了:+1: