
Stephen Brokaw 481 Bartlett St | San Francisco, CA 94110 | 312­720­4151 | | | Recent Projects Do­dat: Single­page Backbone task­management application, consuming REST Rails JSON API. Advanced Backbone­on­Rails patterns such as overriding Model#parse to achieve Rails­like associations between cards and lists. A board view is a composite of lists and cards, keeping code organized and avoiding entire page re­rendering. Custom­built authentication stores passwords securely. Overrides ActiveRecord’s metaprogrammed password= method to insert BCrypt hashing. (Rails + Backbone) | Github Snake: The arcade classic. CSS styling with dynamic divs, jQuery for DOM interaction. (Javascript) Snake | Github Rails Redux: Rebuilt Rails router, view, and controller functionality, including dynamic route generation through regex parsing, template rendering, session­storing, and more. (Ruby) Github Active Record Redux: Clone of Rails object­relational mapping system. (Ruby) Github Skills Employment History Research Technologist I to III, Northwestern University ­ Center for Genetic Medicine (Fall 2009­Spring 2014) Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Backbone.js, SQL, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, TDD, RSpec, Capybara Education ● Sequenced genomes on the SOLiD platform to digitize genetic material. Acted as lab’s internal expert for all next­generation sequencing technologies. ● Ran data analyses to reveal patterns using various number­crunching solutions. ● Managed MySQL databases over SSH. Set­up data integrity protocols. Moved terabytes of data across labs using FTP. ● Many research projects led to publication in peer­reviewed scientific journals. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL M.S., Predictive Analytics, 2012­present ● 3.9 GPA ● 9/11 classes completed, final two to be completed remotely as evening classes. ● Coursework: data­modeling, database­design, statistical­analysis, text­analytics, data­mining, and data­warehousing. Oakland University, Rochester, MI B.A., Philosophy, Biology minor, 2003­2007 ● 3.8 GPA ● Graduated cum laude, with honors.