
The Comment Parser supports various languages based on FSM. It's written by scala and java.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Comment Parser

The Comment Parser supports various languages based on FSM. It's written by scala and java.


  • Java 1.8

Getting comment parser

Comment Parser is published to Sonatype OSS and Maven Central:

  • Group id / organization: io.github.qwefgh90
  • Artifact id / name: comment-parser
  • Latest version is 0.1.0

Add it to your sbt build definition:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.qwefgh90" %% "comment-parser" % "0.1.0"

Add one of them to your maven pom file:




Using Comment Parser

CommentParser is a main class to extract comments from various files. Import io.github.qwefgh90.commentparser package to your sources to use CommentParser. Also, there is a inner CommentParser.CommentResult class containing a result.

It has four static methods to do that.

You can pass URI object to first parameter.

import io.github.qwefgh90.commentparser.CommentParser;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.List;
Optional<java.util.List<CommentParser.CommentResult>> result = CommentParser.extractComments(Paths.get("C:\\java.java").toUri(), "java.java");

InputStream object can be used to first parameter.

import io.github.qwefgh90.commentparser.CommentParser;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.List;
File f = Paths.get("C:\\java.java").toFile();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
Optional<java.util.List<CommentParser.CommentResult>> result = CommentParser.extractComments(is, "java.java");

You can pass Charset object to third parameter optionally.

import io.github.qwefgh90.commentparser.CommentParser;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.List;
Optional<java.util.List<CommentParser.CommentResult>> result = CommentParser.extractComments(Paths.get("C:\\java.java").toUri(), "java.java", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

For more information, You can check API document.

Supported Languages

  • JAVA
  • PY
  • C
  • CPP
  • RUBY
  • GO
  • JS
  • HTML
  • BAT
  • SH
  • XML
  • TEXT
  • MD
  • ETC

Compile & Test

  • sbt compile
  • sbt test