LIRI Bot Node App is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface app. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data using npm packages and APIs from Twitter, Spotify, and OMDB through request.
This application is an assignment for GA Tech's Coding Boot Camp, Full-Time Fall 2017 Cohort.
- Spotify
- Request to grab data from OMDB
- Displays last 20 tweets and when they were created in bash/terminal window.
- Displays artist(s), song's name, preview link of song from Spotify, and album the song is from in bash/terminal window.
- If no song is provided, program will default to "The Sign" by Ace of Base.
- Outputs title of movie, year movie came out, IMDB rating, Rotten Tomatoes rating, country produced, language, plot, and actors of movie. + If there is no input of movie title, program will output default data for 'Mr. Nobody'.
- Screenshots
- Video(s)
- Link to Video(s)
- GIFs
- Redefine Spotify as a constructor, add Spotify keys to liri.js file to test
- Move requests/API calls inside of if statements
- Clean code and improve aesthetics