
Django api for finding interview slots considering the available time for both interviewer and interviewee

Primary LanguagePython

Interview Scheduler Api


Scheduling interviews is a burden in most companies. When you want to schedule multiple interviews in a single day, it depends on the availability of the interviewer and the candidate. By using this api system we can: 1. CURD records for Interviewers 2. CURD records for Interviewees 3. CURD records of avalilable slots for Interviewers 4. CURD records of avalilable slots for Interviewees 5. Get the avalilable slots common for a interviewer and interviewee Framework used - Django rest framework Database used - Sqlite Programming language - python

Api breakdown


Api for Interviewer resource is Interviewer Fields for Api are

  1. name - Name of the Interviewer
  2. email - Email of the Interviewer. Unique feild, value should be of email format Supported operations are GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE.


  1. Use Interviewer to get the list of details of all Interviewers.
  2. Use Interviewer\<InterviewerId> to get the details of a single Interviewer.


sent DELETE request to Interviewer\<InterviewerId> to delete the records of a single Interviewer.


Api for Interviewee resource is Interviewee Fields for Api are

  1. name - Name of the Interviewee
  2. email - Email of the Interviewee. Unique feild, value should be of email format Supported operations are GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE.


  1. Use Interviewee to get the list of details of all Interviewees.
  2. Use Interviewee\<IntervieweeId> to get the details of a single Interviewee.


sent DELETE request to Interviewee\<IntervieweeId> to delete the records of a single Interviewee.


Api for Interviewer-slot resource is interviewer-slot Fields for Api are

  1. interviewer - Id of the interviewer
  2. available_date - available date for the Interviewer. Feild should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  3. avaliable_slots - list of available slots. refer time slot map table for getting the parameter. eg, for time slots 1 pm to 2 pm, and 3 pm to 4 pm. use [13,15] available_date and interviewer is unique together. so as to avoid repetation for the same date for the same user. Supported operations are GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE.


  1. Use interviewer-slot for getting the data of all the interviewer's avalilable slots.
  2. Use interviewer-slot/<InterviewerId> for getting the data of a single interviewer's avalilable slots.
  3. Use interviewer-slot/<InterviewerId>/<year> for getting the data of a single interviewer's avalilable slots in the year, <year>.
  4. Use interviewer-slot/<InterviewerId>/<year>/<month> for getting the data of a single interviewer's avalilable slots in the month, <year>/<month>.
  5. Use interviewer-slot/<InterviewerId>/<year>/<month>/<day> for getting the data of a single interviewer's avalilable slots in the day, <year>/<month>/<day>.
  6. Use interviewer-slot/0/<year> for getting the data of all interviewer's avalilable slots in the year, <year>.
  7. Use interviewer-slot/<InterviewerId>/<year>/<month> for getting the data of all interviewers avalilable slots in the month, <year>/<month>.
  8. Use interviewer-slot/0/<year>/<month>/<day> for getting the data of all interviewers avalilable slots in the day, <year>/<month>/<day>.

Response will be in the format:

    list of <Interviewer slots data>

Interviewer slots data
    "interviewer": {
        "id": <interviewerId>,
        "name": <interviewerName>,
        "email": <interviewerEmail>,
    "avaliable_slots": [
        list of <Avaliable slots data>

Avaliable slots data
    <avaliable date>: <list of avaliable time slots in that day>

        "interviewer": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "john",
            "email": "john@john.com"
        "avaliable_slots": [
                "2022-03-17": [
                "2022-03-18": [
                "2022-03-19": [


  1. Sent DELETE request to interviewer-slot/<interviewerId> to delete all records for that interviewer
  2. Sent DELETE request to interviewer-slot/<interviewerId>/<year> to delete all records for that interviewer for year <year>
  3. Sent DELETE request to interviewer-slot/<interviewerId>/<year>/<month> to delete all records for that interviewer for month <year>/<month>
  4. Sent DELETE request to interviewer-slot/<interviewerId>/<year>/<month>/<day> to delete all records for that interviewer for month <year>/<month>/<day>.


Api for Interviewee-slot resource is interviewee-slot Fields for Api are

  1. interviewee - Id of the interviewee
  2. available_date - available date for the Interviewee. Feild should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  3. avaliable_slots - list of available slots. refer time slot map table for getting the parameter. eg, for time slots 1 pm to 2 pm, and 3 pm to 4 pm. use [13,15] available_date and interviewee is unique together. so as to avoid repetation for the same date for the same user. Supported operations are GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE.


  1. Use interviewee-slot for getting the data of all the interviewee's avalilable slots.
  2. Use interviewee-slot/<IntervieweeId> for getting the data of a single interviewee's avalilable slots.
  3. Use interviewee-slot/<IntervieweeId>/<year> for getting the data of a single interviewee's avalilable slots in the year, <year>.
  4. Use interviewee-slot/<IntervieweeId>/<year>/<month> for getting the data of a single interviewee's avalilable slots in the month, <year>/<month>.
  5. Use interviewee-slot/<IntervieweeId>/<year>/<month>/<day> for getting the data of a single interviewee's avalilable slots in the day, <year>/<month>/<day>.
  6. Use interviewee-slot/0/<year> for getting the data of all interviewee's avalilable slots in the year, <year>.
  7. Use interviewee-slot/<IntervieweeId>/<year>/<month> for getting the data of all interviewees avalilable slots in the month, <year>/<month>.
  8. Use interviewee-slot/0/<year>/<month>/<day> for getting the data of all interviewees avalilable slots in the day, <year>/<month>/<day>.

Response will be in the format:

    list of <Interviewee slots data>

Interviewee slots data
    "interviewee": {
        "id": <intervieweeId>,
        "name": <intervieweeName>,
        "email": <intervieweeEmail>,
    "avaliable_slots": [
        list of <Avaliable slots data>

Avaliable slots data
    <avaliable date>: <list of avaliable time slots in that day>

        "interviewee": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "jane",
            "email": "jane@doe.com"
        "avaliable_slots": [
                "2022-03-19": [


  1. Sent DELETE request to interviewee-slot/<intervieweeId> to delete all records for that interviewee
  2. Sent DELETE request to interviewee-slot/<intervieweeId>/<year> to delete all records for that interviewee for year <year>
  3. Sent DELETE request to interviewee-slot/<intervieweeId>/<year>/<month> to delete all records for that interviewee for month <year>/<month>
  4. Sent DELETE request to interviewee-slot/<intervieweeId>/<year>/<month>/<day> to delete all records for that interviewee for month <year>/<month>/<day>.

Find Available Slots

Api for Find Available Slots that are common for both the interviewer and interviewee is find-available-slots. Supported operation is GET

Sent a Get request to

GET: /find-available-slots/?interviewer=<interviewerID>&interviewee=<intervieweeID>


    "interviewer": "interviewerId",
    "interviewee": "intervieweeId",
    "avaliable_slots": [
        list of <Avaliable slots data>
Avaliable slots data
    <avaliable date>: <list of avaliable time slots in that day>

    "interviewer": "2",
    "interviewee": "1",
    "avaliable_slots": [
            "2022-03-17": [
                "09 am to 10 am",
                "10 am to 11 am",
                "12 pm to 01 pm"
            "2022-03-18": [
                "02 pm to 03 pm",
                "03 pm to 04 pm",
                "05 pm to 06 pm"

Time slot map table

| value | time slot     |
| 0     | 12 am to 1 am |
| 1     | 1 am to 2 am |
| 2     | 2 am to 3 am |
| 3     | 3 am to 4 am |
| 4     | 4 am to 5 am |
| 5     | 5 am to 6 am |
| 6     | 6 am to 7 am |
| 7     | 7 am to 8 am |
| 8     | 8 am to 9 am |
| 9     | 9 am to 10 am |
| 10     | 10 am to 11 am |
| 11     | 11 am to 12 pm |
| 12     | 12 pm to 1 pm |
| 13     | 01 pm to 2 pm |
| 14     | 02 pm to 3 pm |
| 15     | 03 pm to 4 pm |
| 16     | 04 pm to 5 pm |
| 17     | 05 pm to 6 pm |
| 18     | 06 pm to 7 pm |
| 19     | 07 pm to 8 pm |
| 20     | 08 pm to 9 pm |
| 21     | 09 pm to 10 pm |
| 22     | 10 pm to 11 pm |
| 23     | 11 pm to 12 am |

Database Design

  1. Interviewer Table name - CharField email - CharField, Unique
  2. Interviewee Table name - CharField email - CharField, Unique
  3. InterviewerAvaliableTimeSlots interviewer - ForeignKey to interviewer available_date - DateField ipayload1 = BigIntegerField ipayload2 = BigIntegerField
  4. IntervieweeAvaliableTimeSlots interviewee - ForeignKey to interviewer available_date - DateField ipayload1 = BigIntegerField ipayload2 = BigIntegerField

Database Explanation

The time slot for a day is a list of integers ranging from 0-23 which are distinct.

  1. We are converting that interger list to 2 Integers and store it in the database.
  2. For converting the integer list to integers, we are using convert_time_list_to_big_ints in adaptors.py.
  3. For converting back we are using convert_big_ints_to_time_list in adaptors.py. This is possible because of these reasons:
  • Bitlength of biggest integer in list is 5 bit, which is for 24
  • Maximum number of items is 24, so that maximum amount of bitsize required is 5 x 24 = 120 bit
  • BigIntegerField accounds to 64 bits, so 2 such fields are needed for storing 120 bits of data.

Setting up the project

- Set up a virtual enviorment and activate
- Create a folder for cloning repo and cd into it
- git clone https://github.com/brokoder/interview-api.git
- cd interview-api/DjangoApi
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python manage.py makemigrations InterviewApp
- python manage.py migrate InterviewApp
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py createsuperuser (add username, email and password)
- python manage.py drf_create_token <username> (copy the token for authentication)
- python manage.py runserver

Setting up postman
- Add "token <token generated>" for Authorization in request Header 


  1. Interview slots are of duration 1 hour.
  2. Slots will begin at 0th min and not in between an hour.
  3. If interviewer/interviewee is available between 7 am to 11 am, api User or front end will be able to convert that to [7,8,9,10].


  1. Add test cases for each function.
  2. Add typing for the varibles.
  3. Add Docsting for the functions.
  4. Create a UI template for interaction for a better User experience.
  5. Make the time slots start at a any given time if needed.
  6. Validate the missing error cases and sent error response.