Canairio timeseries data enviroment

This repository seek reproduce a test enviroment to work with the data of the - Citizen network for monitoring air pollulants.

You need docker-compose working in your machine and at least 8Gb available to restore the database

After clone the repository ..

Up services

Run command cd canairio_ts_migration and then chmod +x

Run ./ this command download the influxdb + grafana docker-compose files and patch they to the versions actually used by the project.

Go to the folder cd dev_infrastructure and run the command docker-compose up

Grafana default admin user

In the browser go to http://localhost:3000

user: admin password: admin

Restore canairio backup

You need at least 8Gb available to restore the canairio sensors backup

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER backup
cd dev_infrastructure/backup
wget -c ## 2,0G file
tar jxvf canairio-snap-fixed-stations-20210721.tar.bz2
rm canairio-snap-fixed-stations-20210721.tar.bz2 ## Free disc space
cd ..
docker exec -it influxdb influxd restore --portable -db canairio /backup/canairio-snap-localhost-20210721/
rm -rf /backup/canairio-snap-localhost-20210721/ ## Free disc space

Influxdb as datasource for Grafana

Go to Configuration -> Data sources -> Add data source -> Influxdb

In the settigs:

HTTP - URL write http://localhost:8086 HTTP - Access select Browser

Influxdb details - Database write canairio

Click button Save & test
