
Implementation of Key range approach for url-shortner

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Feature of redis implementation in code pairing is present in link PR-1

Simple url shortner service

It generates short-code on bases of keys. The range of keys is provided to each server.Using fastify framework for performance and maintainability.


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  1. The default range is { min : 0, max : 9999}. The key service which is not part of this project can be responsible for provided one when api server's range of keys exhaust. The maximum key can go upto 2 to the power of 64.
  2. The same url created anonymously will get same token

Start up:

  1. npm install //Install packages

  2. npm run dev //for development run

  3. npm start //for prod run

  4. Runs at http://localhost:3000/

Take a look

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  1. POST : /anonymous/create Create shortlink request as anonymous user body : {url : "https://github.com/bron10/url-shortner"}

  2. GET : /:token Request redirection to actual url This newly generated token is recieved in each request