
Demo repository for Malaga Geek Guild presentation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo repository for Malaga Geek Guild presentation

Proposed agenda:

1. Geo-/Spatial-awareness

2. Discuss GitHub Basics
Use whiteboard and walk through .js map example

3. Malaga Geek Guild MISSION! ADD: We are using LEAFLET LIBRARY

  • Create a GitHub Account
  • Create a FORK ([XXX]/gg, where [XXX] is your GitHub usrname) of https://github.com/brondera/gg
  • Download the code (.zip) & Review
  • Edit index.html - Add a pin to the map (hometown?) & add a popup with some info (name?)
  • Commit your changes to your branch ([XXX]/gg)
  • Make a pull request to brondera/gg
  • (Hopefully) see your changes added to brondera/gg