
Try to integrate vscode into a formidable note-taking tool

Primary LanguageShell


This proect was going to integrate VS Code and a bunch of Markdown plugins into a decent note-taking system.

Now that Dendron and Foam are carrying this torch, there's no need for another one.

Now I need to decide whether I want to use Foam or Dendron...?

Original README:

VSCode Notetaking

Visual Studio Code has the components to make an outstanding note taking tool, but they're not integrated and often conflict with each other. This project aims to find a coherent whole.


This is just an experiment. Nothing is here yet.

Launch a Profile

A profile is a name for a coherent collection of settings and plugins.

Choose which profile you'd like (probably Complete or VimComplete, more below) and launch it. For example:

./complete tmp

Now VS Code launches, plugins are installed, settings established, and now you can use a complete note-taking system.

Profiles can be based on other profiles so you can make slight tweaks to an existing profile that already works the way you want.


  • Core: the bare minimum that could be considered to be a good Markdown notetaking environment.
  • Complete: Core plus additional functionality like math and diagrams.
  • VimCore: Core, plus VSCodeVim installed. (mostly because VSCodeVim is popular and overrides a LOT of keybindings)
  • VimComplete: Complete plus VSCodeVim
  • Stock: an unmodified default VSCode install. Zero note taking functionality. Only interesting when trying to isolate a bug.

Or, graphically:

graph LR



This attempts to provide a full-featured Markdown editing experience but no features unrelated to editing.

  • Markdown Shortcuts
  • Markdown TOC
  • markdownlint


This provides the editing experience of Core, plus features that are mature enough to be a part of every Markdown workflow.

  • Markdown Emoji


Everything in Core, plus VSCodeVim.


Everything in Complete, plus VSCodeVim.




The project respects the license of every component it uses. Where there's ambiguity (for example, the files in this specific repository) it is covered by the MIT license.