
A library for ActiveRecord scoping using simple expressions.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Esql is a library for ActiveRecord scoping using simple expressions.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'esql'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install esql


This gem is easy to use: all you need is an ActiveRecord scope and an expression. The result is a scope with any necessary joins applied, to which you can use to generate columns, sort results, or apply filters.

One of the primary goals is to allow your applications to unlock the full power of SQL without having to hard-code queries or fret about SQL injection.

ast = Esql::Parser.new.parse('concat(first_name, " ", last_name)')
scope, sql = ast.evaluate(Employee.all)

Esql is a minimalist gem. A common use case is generating columns using formulas or aggregates. By default they won't be SELECTed (because you might want to use your expressions to filter results instead); you will need to do that yourself. You can monkey patch the following method to allow adding a new column to your SELECT list instead of having to write the entire list again:

# Put this in an initializer
module ActiveRecord
  class Relation
    def select_append(*fields)
      fields.unshift(arel_table[Arel.star]) if !select_values.any?

Another great example of how you can use Esql is as a way to support dynamic queries in your REST APIs:

class EmployeesController < ApplicationRecord
  # GET /employees?filter[]=...
  def index
    scope = Employee.all
    filters = request.params.fetch('filter', [])
    filters.each { |expr|
      ast = Esql::Parser.new.parse(expr)
      scope, sql = ast.evaluate(scope)
      scope = scope.where(sql)
    render # ...

Yes, you will receive a raw SQL string when your expression is evaluated. Esql is basically a SQL transpiler—a memoizing parsing expression grammar is used behind the scenes to ensure e.g. string literals are always properly quoted before being inserted into the resulting SQL.


The expression syntax is simple and unopinionated. As a transpiler, Esql basically defers to SQL's rules. It just provides syntactic sugar for things like joins and aggregates.

In most cases, Esql can catch issues like improper use of a related attributes (i.e. attributes of related records). It does this by evaluating the ActiveRecord reflections, so you will need to make sure you properly define your relationships in your model classes.

Errors that get past this simple check layer (like type mismatches or even query runtime errors) will bubble up as ActiveRecord exceptions that you'll have to handle yourself.


  • Arithmetic
    • Multiplication: *
    • Division: /
    • Addition: +
    • Subtraction: -
  • Logical
    • Less than: <
    • Less than or equal: <=
    • Greater than: >
    • Greater than or equal: >=


Attributes are referenced using the column name, e.g. first_name. Note that the attribute must exist on the model in your scope, otherwise an error will be raised.

Related attributes

You can use values on related records using the dot operator, e.g. employee.first_name. This essentially calls joins on your scope with the given relationship, as long as it is valid. The attribute must exist on the related model, otherwise an error will be raised.

Related aggregates

You can retrieve aggregates on related records, also using the dot operator, e.g. employees.count. This joins a subquery, so keep that in mind.


  • String functions:
    • concat(arg1, arg2, ...)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/paulholden2/esql.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.