
A stream parser for FIT files, implemented in C as a ruby extension

Primary LanguageC

rubyfit is here to help your sanity when working with FIT files.

This project contains the FIT SDK version 1.2, so pay your respects: This is Ant

Anyone familiar with stream based XML processing should find using this library intuitive.

  1. Create a callbacks class that responds to the callback events, and handle the events as needed. Use the example fit_callbacks.rb file as a guide - Our callbacks class on ridewithgps is more complex, as it needs states to properly process laps, etc.
  2. Pass in your callback class instance to the RubyFit::FitParser initializer.
  3. Call parse() on your parser instance.


raw = IO.read("myfitfile.fit")
callbacks = FitCallbacks.new()
parser = RubyFit::FitParser.new(callbacks)
activities = callbacks.activities #assumes you have some sort of getter/attr_reader on your custom callbacks class

When I get more time I'll document the messages, but for now you can look in ext/rubyfit/rubyfit.c to see what fields are being passed.

To build and test the gem, run:

bundle install