
Super simple isilon rest client

Primary LanguagePython

Super Simple Isilon Rest Library

Both the comand line tool isicmd and the libraris are designed for utter simplicity and comprehensibility. Where possible we do as little as possible to get you talking with the PAPI on the host.


Why would I write this when there is an official sdk? Because I just needed one thing and I felt like the official API was very heavyweight and lacked the finess of that some quick python could acheive. What started as some helper functions that I wrote quickly became a class and that spawned additional features. Rather than code compiled, this library just does the python-esque job of doing what seems right and failing if not possible.

Standout feature

  • iterators: A successful call can be iterated over with .iter_json() and it will automatically re-call the API if needed. No need to handle resume tokens.
  • session cookies: No need to hardcode credentials this utiliy will call for credentials when needed, if needed. If there is a valid isisessid cookie stashed it will not prompt
  • structures as dict: Since we're just iterative over json the values returned are all python dicts for easy manipulation.
  • Not bound to a particilar version of the platform. This module should work against any version of the api as long as the endpoints are not signifigantly different. You can have you code call a specific version of the endpoint if that is needed.
  • Python 2/3 compatible: I'm developing in python 3 and presuming it's not a total hack job I'm patching to make sure it runs on python 2 as well.

Python usage

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
            format='%(relativeCreated)6.1f %(processName)12s: %(levelname).1s %(module)8.8s:%(lineno)-4d %(message)s')

# For py2 interactive, ugly hack to enable utf-8 at the repl
    import sys

# Library code
import simple_isi

# disable warnings if your host doesn't have a full SSL

# Create a client session and make it ready for actions
client = simple_isi.IsiClient(server='your host here', verify=False)
# Prompt for creds if needed

# Create a PAPI session
papi = simple_isi.PapiClient(client)
# Get first quota
# Get first accounting quota
print(next(papi.get('quota/quotas', enforced=False).iter_json()))

# Create a NS client and list some directories
# the ns object has scandir and walk workalikes
ns = simple_isi.NsClient(client, 'ifs')

isicmd - command line


pip install simple_isi
  1. Create a isilon.yaml in the cwd or ~/.isilon_yaml with your isilon host settings
  2. (OPTIONAL) Install jq for more advanced post processing

That's it.

$ isicmd -h
usage: isicmd [-h] [--raw] [--verbose] [--server SERVER] [--noverify]
              endpoint [paramaters [paramaters ...]]

              positional arguments:
              endpoint         PAPI endpoint
              paramaters       endpoint paramters

             optional arguments:
              -h, --help       show this help message and exit
              --raw            Pass json through, no resume support
              --verbose, -v
              --server SERVER  server name
              --noverify       Turn off SSL verification

Some examples of the isicmd:

$ isicmd 'cluster/config' | jq . | head -n 9
 204.1  MainProcess: W      api:29   Connection to MYCLUSTER:8080 proceeding without SSL verification
      "description": "Storage Cluster",
      "devices": [
            "devid": 9,
            "guid": "000e1e83d3f05cf388585d00907d2cc743b4",
            "is_up": true,
            "lnn": 1

$ isicmd 'quota/quotas' | jq 'sort_by(.path)' | head
 215.0  MainProcess: W      api:29   Connection to MYCLUSTER:8080 proceeding without SSL verification
   "container": false,
   "enforced": false,
   "include_snapshots": false,
   "linked": null,
   "notifications": "default",
   "path": "/ifs/backup",
   "persona": null,

If you need to pass get options you can just type them out on the command line:

$ isicmd 'quota/quotas' exceeded=true | jq 'sort_by(.path)' | head
 198.8  MainProcess: W      api:29   Connection to MYCLUSTER:8080 proceeding without SSL verification
   "container": true,
   "enforced": true,
   "include_snapshots": false,
   "linked": null,
   "notifications": "default",
   "path": "/ifs/primary/homes/xxxxxxxxxx",
   "persona": null,

You can even get a listing of all endpoints:

$ isicmd '' describe list all | jq 'sort' | head
 205.1  MainProcess: W      api:29   Connection to MYCLUSTER:8080 proceeding without SSL verification

And even get online help for any endpoing:

$ isicmd 'antivirus/scan' describe  | head -n 13
 198.1  MainProcess: W      api:29   Connection to MYCLUSTER:8080 proceeding without SSL verification
 Resource URL: /platform/3/antivirus/scan

 Overview: This resource allows a client to run an anitvirus scan on a
           single file.

 Methods: POST


 Method POST: Manually scan a file.

 URL: POST /platform/3/antivirus/scan

 There are no query arguments for this method.