
Service for order food for company

Primary LanguageVue

Let's create cards with order food, poll & etc

Client side


  • Vue.js, Vuex
  • Vuetify, VueDraggable
  • Socket.io
  • Axios
  • Materian design, SASS

Server side


  • Express REST API
  • Slack Auth, bot messages API
  • Socket.io
  • MongoDB + Mongoose
  • TypeScript
  • Testing (Jest)
  • Custom ErrorHandler + Logger
  • Uploading file (Multer)

What this app can:

  • Create order card & organize payment
  • Create anonime/not anonime poll card
  • Send card info to slack channels
  • Auth via Slack / email, password


  1. Clone this repo to your desktop
  2. Install all the dependencies, run npm i
  3. Download & setup MongoDB
  4. Setup Slack app API
  5. Config .env file
  6. Than enjoy this project 😋

You might want to look into config.json to make change the port you want to use and set up a SSL certificate.


Run script:

  • npm run start - for running app in production mode
  • npm run watch - for run app in development mode & watch changes in files
  • npm run test - for run testing :shipit: