I use the .net core 6.0 web api framework and Microsoft SQL Server to program.
notice: Because the appsettings.json file will save the db connection string, that could not be uploaded to github for security reasons, the content of the appsettings.json file is below.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Data Source={your db instance};Database=aws_db;Trusted_Connection=False;TrustServerCertificate=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User ID=sa;Password={your password}"
一、DataBase prepare
I use the SQL Server as my database to local develop program. About the script for create database and table, see below.
USE [aws_db]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[usage_report](
[usage_report_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[payer_account_id] [decimal](13, 0) NOT NULL,
[unblended_cost] [decimal](18, 9) NOT NULL,
[unblended_rate] [decimal](18, 9) NOT NULL,
[usage_account_id] [decimal](13, 0) NOT NULL,
[usage_amount] [decimal](18, 9) NOT NULL,
[usage_start_date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[usage_end_date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[product_name] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[usage_report_id] ASC
We have three apis for use.
The api for import csv data into database
item content url /Data http method Post field data type required description file binary true request with multipart/form-data method, and import data from *.csv file. response:
{ "message": "import success, total is 98754" }
The api for giving a usageAccountId to get the sum of product of unblended cost.
item content url /UnblendedCost/{usageAccountId} http method Get field data type required description usageAccountId number true response:
{ "productname_A": 123.12, "productname_B": 145.45 }
The api for giving a usageAccountId to get the daily of product of usage amount.
item content url /UsageAmount/{usageAccountId}?StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate} http method Get field data type required description usageAccountId number true StartDate date false Determine which started date to query. ex: 2020-04-01 EndDate date false Determine which ended date to query. ex: 2020-05-01 notice: the query range for date at most 30 days.
{ "productname_A": { "2023/01/01": 123, "2023/01/02": 123 }, "productname_B": { "2023/01/01": 123, "2023/01/02": 123 } }
The api for giving a usageAccountId to get the daily of product of usage amount.
item content url /UsageAmount_V2/{usageAccountId}?queryStartDate={queryStartDate}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize} http method Get field data type required description usageAccountId number true queryStartDate date false Determine which started date to query. ex: 2020-04-01 pageIndex number false The one-based index of the currently displayed page of product. pageSize number false The data quantity of per page displayed of product. response:
{ "productname_A": { "2023/01/01": 123, "2023/01/02": 123 }, "productname_B": { "2023/01/01": 123, "2023/01/02": 123 } }