
A State Management Library

Primary LanguageC#


A C# state management library

Using the default reducer

Example using the default reducer implementation.

using Stately;

/// Actions that can be dispatched to the store.
public class CounterActions
  public class Increment : Action
    public static new string Type => "[counter] INCREMENT";

  public class Decrement : Action
    public static new string Type => "[counter] DECREMENT";

/// Basic reducer implementation.
public class CounterReducer : Reducer<int>
  public CounterReducer()
    On<CounterActions.Increment>((state, action) => state + 1);
    On<CounterActions.Decrement>((state, action) => state - 1);

public static class Program
  public static void Main()
    CounterReducer reducer = new CounterReducer();
    Store<int> store = new Store<int>(reducer, 0);

    store.Dispatch(new CounterActions.Increment());

    Console.WriteLine(store.State); /// -> 1

    store.Dispatch(new CounterActions.Decrement());

    Console.WriteLine(store.State) /// -> 0

Using a custom reducer

Example using a custom reducer implementation.

public class CustomCounterReducer : IReducer<int>
  public int Apply<TAction>(int state, TAction action) where TAction : Action
    switch (action)
      case CounterActions.Increment inc:
        return state++;

      case CounterActions.Decrement dec:
        return state--;

        return state;

public static class Program
  public static void Main()
    CustomCounterReducer reducer = new CustomCounterReducer();
    Store<int> store = new Store<int>(reducer, 0);

    store.Dispatch(new CounterActions.Increment());
    store.Dispatch(new CounterActions.Decrement());