Flutter Redux Starter

A starter project using Redux state management.

Project Structure

Path Description
lib/main.dart Main entry file.
lib/app.dart App declarations and entry file.
lib/locator.dart Dependency set-up.
lib/app_state.dart App state model.
lib/app_router.dart App page routing.
lib/features/* App features. 🔗
lib/ui/* Shared UI. 🔗
assets/* Assets directory.
android/* Android platform assets.
ios/* iOS platform assets.
web/* Web platform assets.
test/* Tests.

Shared UI

Shared UI concerns and declarations. Shared UI libraries are located at libs/ui.

Path Description
layouts/* Shared layout widgets 🔗
theme/* Theme declarations 🔗
widgets/* Shared widgets 🔗




Path Description
theme/colors.dart Theme color declarations.
theme/text.dart Theme text style declarations.
theme/theme.dart Theme data.




All features are kept in the lib/features directory.

Path Description
{feature}/{feature}_router.dart Feature page routing, if required. 🔗
{feature}/pages/* Pages for this feature, if any. 🔗
{feature}/services/* Services for this feature, if any.
{feature}/+state/* Supplementary state for this feature, if required. 🔗

Feature Routing

If page routing is required, the feature directory will need a router. Feature routers are of type Map<String, Widget Function(BuildContext)>, mapping routes to widget builders. All routes should be prefixed with '/', eg. /home.

Path Description
{feature}_router.dart Naming scheme for a feature router.

Feature Pages

Feature pages are located at lib/features/{feature}/pages.

Path Description
{name}_page.dart Naming scheme for feature pages.

Feature State

All state related logic for a feature is located at lib/features/{feature}/+state.

Path Description
actions.dart Store dispatched actions declarations.
effects.dart Store side-effect declarations.
facade.dart Store facade declaration.
model.dart Store state models for this feature.
reducer.dart Store reducer declarations.
State Models


State Actions


State Reducer


State Facade


State Effects


Adding Feature State

The following assumes a feature named MyFeature.

  1. Add the feature state key mixin to the app state in lib/app_state.dart.

  2. Add the state to the AppState constructor as a requirement.

  3. Add the initial state to the initial app state in the AppState.initial() factory.

  4. Ensure the copyWith function accommodates for the new feature state.

  5. Include the new feature state in hashCode generation.

  6. Include the new feature state in the object equality override.

/// Add feature state key mixin to app state.
class AppState with MyFeatureStateKey {
  /// Declare the feature state property.
  final MyFeatureState myFeatureState;
  final bool isLoading;

    /// Include requirement in constructor.
    @required this.myFeatureState,

  /// Include in state copy method
  AppState copyWith({MyFeatureState myFeatureState, bool isLoading}) {
    return AppState(
      myFeatureState: myFeatureState ?? this.myFeatureState,
      isLoading: isLoading ?? this.isLoading);

  /// Include is hashCode
  int get hashCode =>
    isLoading.hashCode ^ myFeatureState.hashCode;

  /// Include in equality comparison
  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
    identical(this, other) ||
    other is AppState && myFeatureState == other.myFeatureState;

Adding Feature Routing

The following assumes an app named MyApp and a feature named MyFeature.

  1. Import the feature router into app.dart.

  2. In the app constructor, call registerRouter([router]) to register the feature router.

/// Feature import.
import 'features/my_feature/my_feature_router.dart';
/// Ensure app router is imported.
import 'app_router.dart';

class MyApp {
    /// Other routers...

  /// etc.