
A python script to build dictionary for Dictorium.

Primary LanguageCSS

A python script to build dictionary for Dictorium.

The input_file is a plain text file, each item is described in three lines. The 1st line of which is the key of the item, the 2nd is the value, and the 3rd is a delimiter line as </>. Please see test.txt for example.

The out_file is a sqlite file, you could use sqlite3 cli to check its schema.


usage: gen-dict [-h] [--resource_dir RESOURCE_DIR] [--patch PATCH] [--dryrun]
                input_file output_file

generate sqlite3 dict

positional arguments:
  input_file            input text file
  output_file           file name for generated db

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --resource_dir RESOURCE_DIR
                        resource files in the dir will be inserted into the db
  --patch PATCH         specify the keyword for which to patch
  --dryrun              test the command line


  • build dictionary test.db from test.txt

      cd tstdata/
      python ../gen-dict.py test.txt test.db --resource_dir res
  • patch dictionary test.db by replacing a resource file res/js/main.js

      cd tstdata/
      python ../gen-dict.py test.txt test.db --resource_dir res --patch res/js/main.js

Verify the test.db

  1. install Brook's Chromium build.
  2. access dictorium://query/the with the Chromium.